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The London Cryptocurrency Show - Saturday 14th April 2018 at the Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London. Register for FREE at

Cryptocurrency News: #Promo-Steem

The London Cryptocurrency Show - Register for Free Promo-Steem - Media Partner

I am pleased to confirm that you can now register FREE for The London Cryptocurrency Show - Saturday 14th April 2018 at the Novotel London West, Hammersmith, London, by visiting the Website.

Please visit at for more details.

Selection of speakers at the event so far


Credit: The London Cryptocurrency Show

Details on the selection of Speakers so far can be seen at

Media Partners


Credit: The London Cryptocurrency Show

I am pleased to confirm that has been added to the list of Media Partners for the event.

Details on the Media Partners can be seen at

Saturday 14th April 2018

The London Cryptocurrency Show will be hosting their inaugural Cryptocurrency Event in the heart of London on Saturday 14th April 2018, and it has been an absolute pleasure to be invited as one of their Media Partners to help Promote and Market the event.

This is a great opportunity for #Promo-Steem to showcase #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain in the heart of London and one that I am excited to see us promote.

As well as helping in the Promoting and Marketing of the event, #Promo-Steem will be providing Speakers and Moderators supporting The London Cryptocurrency on the Main Stage during various Panel Sessions.

TWO, 1-hour #Steemit Presentations and Exhibitors Stand

As well as promoting and supporting the event, #Promo-Steem will also be making TWO, 1-hour #Steemit Presentations, not forgetting showcasing the #Steemit Platform and the #STEEM Blockchain and Cryptocurrency on our very own Exhibitors Stand.

As I have mentioned before, this is a golden opportunity to showcase this amazing platform for the first time in the U.K. and I am so excited to see it all slowly come together.

What will we be Promoting?

Showcasing the #Steemit Platform along with the #STEEM Blockchain and Cryptocurrency presented a challenge in itself, as I wanted to make sure that the message we relayed covered a multitude of objectives.

I felt it was not enough to simply showcase the #Steemit Platform and/or the #STEEM Blockchain, so we have decided to expand our promotion across the complete #STEEM Ecosystem, showcasing a multiple of applications.

To give you a flavour of what we will be promoting, this should give you an idea of what we will be showcasing.

In no particular order, we will be showcasing, promoting and presenting the following......

#Steemit Platform


#STEEM Blockchain


Smart Media Tokens

Smart Media Tokens.png


D Tube.png


D Live.png

Feel free to suggest any other applications

If there are any other specific applications that you feel we should be promoting, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will include them in our presentations/promotions.

What the Show will offer

It is expected that over +2,000 visitors will visit The London Cryptocurrency Show.

As well as the +50 Exhibitors, there will be Panel Sessions, Speakers and Presentations throughout the day, both on the Main Stage and the Conference Rooms at the event.

You will learn:
1 - If cryptocurrency is the right investment for you or not - what are the risks and rewards?
2 - How to actually invest and trade in cryptocurrency - direct ownership and/or other options
3 - Investing in ICO’s - risks and rewards
4 - Regulation – what protection is in place?
5 – Meet new investment opportunities - meet the company founders/directors, face-to- face
6 - Where to learn more - mentor training courses, clubs, networks

Credit: The London Cryptocurrency Show

Panel Session, Speakers and Presentations throughout the day

Throughout the day there will be Panel Sessions that will look at four clear areas of this new market, as follows:

1 - Cryptocurrency Investment:
How to value a Cryptocurrency
How to buy, sell - or mine your own cryptocurrency
How to set up your own safe bank for crypto deposits
How to trade crypto pairs - analysis and strategies

2 - Blockchain & ICO Investment:
What is it, and why do companies choose this method of fundraising?
Advantages and risks for investors, like you, to be aware of
Latest ICOs coming to market and how to value

3 - Ways to Trade Crypto:
Crypto Exchanges
CFDs, ETFs, Funds and other broker instruments for taking trading positions
Crypto clubs and networks

4 - Further education, tools and service providers:
Courses and mentors
Software and charting packages and websites
Premium trading groups

Credit: The London Cryptocurrency Show - Media Partner for The London Cryptocurrency Show

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

......4 weeks to go


Once again, I would like to say a massive #Steemit Shout Out to Matt @starkerz, Dylan @anarcotech, Callie @calliestarkey and Alla @allasyummyfood for all their hard work so far in pulling this event together.

With little over 4 weeks to go, though a tremendous amount of work has already been done so far, there is still a great deal of work that still needs to be done.

Showcasing the #Steemit Platform and the #STEEM Blockchain and Cryptocurrency at the inaugural event for The London Cryptocurrency Show is a massive opportunity for us to lift the awareness of the #Steemit Platform and the #Steem Cryptocurrency in the heart of London and I am so excited to be part of this Golden Opportunity.

Huge Thank You for supporting this event

May I take this opportunity once again and say a MASSIVE Thank You to everyone around the World who has help support this event, not forgetting all those that have got behind the #Promo-Steem Global Marketing and Promotion Initiative in promoting #Steemit & #STEEM.

Once again, thanks for reading.

Stephen - Media Partner for The London Cryptocurrency Show

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

Introducing #Promo-Steem

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

Please visit the Website at

Member of the @Steem-Ambassador Programme. Please follow @Steem-Ambassador for more details.

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Steem-Ambassador Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

#Investors-Group - Cryptocurrency News

Please feel free to use the #Investors-Group tag for: Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities and Investment related Blogs.

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Investors-Group Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem