Facebook use among teens plummets 30% in three years. Seriously, I am amazed that anyone is still using that garbage..!!

#Promo-Steem: #DeleteFacebook #JoinSteemit

Credit: Zerohedge

#DeleteFacebook #JoinSteemit

I was scanning my news and twitter feeds earlier on and came across this great piece by #Zerohedge.

Credit to #Zerohedge for the content in the article.

For those that may not have seen it, here is a link to the tweet containing the article...

Credit: Zerohedge

Facebook use among teens plummets 30% in three years..!!

People are simply fed up with being ripped off

The World is changing and people are simply fed up with being ripped off..!!

We are living in a World, that despite what some people may think, is bursting with creativity that simply wants to be rewarded for what it believes it is worth.

It is not rocket science to see that the green-shoots of this new explosive creativity is about to hit Social Media.

This new creativity will finally see content rewarded, rather than captured and distributed without recompense.

I apologise to those that have had to listen to me banging on about the garbage that is Facebook, but seriously, I am amazed that anyone is still using that rubbish..!!

This is 2018, not the 1970's ffs..!!

This is 2018, not the 1970's ffs and as the World wakes up to the dawn of a new era of #Blockchain, De-Centralised Distributed Ledger Technology and Cryptography things are set to be totally shaken up.

This shake up will extend way beyond what even the smartest of people can foresee and essentially will revisit EVERYTHING that has been done since the earlier 1970's..!!

Pandora has been let out

The tide has turned, Pandora has been let out, and it isn't going back, EVER..!!

The next 5-7 years are set to see some amazing things that will blow your mind and anyone who thinks that what we see in front of us is as good as it gets, are in for a nasty shock.

The party hasn't even started yet..!!

A MASSIVE #Steemit Shout Out

Once again, a MASSIVE #Steemit Shout Out to everyone who has helped support and promote #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain these last +12 months and especially for helping to get #Promo-Steem off the ground.

You guys simply ROCK..!!

Thanks again for reading.


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#DeleteFacebook #JoinSteemit

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