STEEMZINE #29 - Is It Time To Move On From Steemit?

We have been asking ourselves whether we should continue to contribute to the platform, it is something of a difficult question which we are divided on. 

We entered the arena full of enthusiasm, full of confidence this had the potential to be a wonderful platform. So, we threw ourselves into creating some fun content (well we like to think so) then the reality set in.... 

Just a small fish in a big sea. 

We are just like everyone else, trying to see if there was an opportunity to make something cool out of it and be awarded for the effort. 

The problem is we are all humans and humans want and like results. No one wants to be putting in effort and it not being rewarded or acknowledged, or feel like it is a worth while endeavour. Thats when we realised that we were just in a game and we were not winning. That is because we believe game is not constructed fairly. 

The game works on idealism not realism. 

It is an idealistic view, create an eco system where people can be rewarded for their time/efforts. The thing is though, its an idealistic view. The award is only for few and far between, and shared across the 1%. 

Steemit mimics life. The 1% still exists and will always exist. 

I don't believe this is sustainable how the platform is, it is sold to people under false precedent and it is much like any game of chance, you write and spin the wheel. 

Writing on Steemit is basically gambling. 

But, the thing are gambling away your time, which is worth something. How many of you have seen a bad iphone photo be awarded a stack of cash with one hashtag. Took 2 mins. 

The perception that value is what is awarded again is an idealistic view point. Value is not rewarded. 

What are your thoughts? 

That's how we are currently thinking. We don't believe we will be sticking around much longer as I just believe our time is better spent elsewhere! But, maybe we can be swayed. We will see. 

#steemit #anarchy #steemzine #steem 

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