STEEMZINE #25 - The hardest question to answer in life. When is enough....enough?

One of the hardest questions in life is knowing when to give up. When is the right time to move on from a dream and idea, a career? When is enough, enough... 

I know some of you can relate to what I'm going to say, like us, you have probably felt this with contributing to Steemit at times. Why am I writing all this content? Why? Then you probably end up going, oh well... you never know it's a bit of fun. 

This is the thing, we are driven by the hope of something happening, of something coming our way. We are actually all very optimistic in the way we approach life. Sure we can have moments of pessimism but the over riding sense of maybe one more...brings out the inner addict in us. 

One of the hardest things is to come to that point, where you say. "I've done everything in my power and it's not working for me, it's time to move on. No regrets" 

This is also one of the hardest things to say to yourself. Because, we are often blindsided by a single opportunity and it's potential that we miss all the other opportunities that are floating around us. 

Here is the thing, some like to hold on to ideas like they are precious or goals like they are precious. Both can be made in an instant and broken in an instant. They come and go just as the minutes float by. Holding on to something that isn't working for you is not only hurtful to your life, you are missing out on other opportunities which you may find satisfaction in, you may find success in. 

So what's the answer. 

You need to be brave in your belief and your decisions. 

You need to realise that you're fixation on a particular career or goal is just that....and as simply as you chose to pursue it in the first place.. you can choose to change directions. 

We have all heard of those stories of actors who have worked all their lives and only got a break when they were in their late 30's, prior to that they lived a life of poverty or the ones who it didn't pay off and lost so many opportunities along the way. 

The only way you can determine when enough is....enough. Is by asking yourself the question.... 

"Have I actually done everything in my power, exerted all options, put in every inch of my body into this one thing fully?" If you have and you are not where you want to be. Then it's time to find the lion heart in you and make the brave decision to move on. 

No failure is ever a loss, its an opportunity to learn, to advance and to take the lessons with you forward. The only thing that is actual, pure failure. Is not trying at all. Not attempting, not pursuing and saying it's too difficult. 

That is failure. Nothing else. 

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