[Cheap Flights to Amsterdam!] Check Out Wow Air - May Be As Low As $420 Roundtrip from US!

So I was looking around for flights to Amsterdam in the last couple days. @roelandp mentioned some bargain prices for flights from the US and @bendjmiller has a great post on where to start your search to save money. I’m still bootstrapping my startups so I have to be scrappy with funds, although I have to be careful being too cheap sometimes since there’s tremendous value in meeting others and networking. I started with Skyscanner and since I was somewhat flexible with the dates and open to spending a few more days around Amsterdam I adjusted the date range on Skyscanner. I did want to get back to SF by the 14th to catch the second day of a startup conference on Nov. 15th, but was flexible about getting to Amsterdam a bit earlier. Anyways yesterday I found the cheapest flight from Wow Air at $500 round trip arriving Tuesday or Wednesday to Amsterdam on Skyscanner. I waited to check this morning and it moved up to around $576. Still cheap but was disappointed I didn’t book it late last night.

So I decided to go directly to Wow Air and lo and behold I found the same round trip flight I wanted for $440!.. All I can say is ... Wow...

(I’m only going with a small carry on so I’m going to have to pack super light. If you check in luggage that’s an extra $60 each way.) If I wanted to stay longer the cheapest flight I saw was $420 round trip. There are add-ons for seats with extra leg room and since the flights were so cheap and the flights long I think maybe I should have gotten better seats, but oh wells. The great thing is there is only one stopover in Iceland for only 2 hrs!

So Wow Air is a ‘happy low-fare & high-performance airline’ company based in Iceland and started by an entrepreneur named Skúli Mogensen in 2011. I like their story and you can’t beat the price! They seem to fly out of SF, LA, NY, DC, Boston, Miami and prices may not be as low as the $400’s, but still should be relatively cheaper than most flights. Here is more info on them from their web page.

Start the Booking Process:

If you have a flexible schedule, click on the 'Flexible Dates' checkbox.

Book dates:

Find the lowest cost days that fit your schedule.

Select Seats (Optional!) You can skip if you don't care about seating!

Tours (I skipped)

Hotels (I skipped)


Ok so I guess I’m visiting Amsterdam in November… I heard there’s some sort of conference thingy or something happening then?

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