Steemporium is now LIVE!

The long wait is over, SteemIt’s exclusive storefront is now open at Steemporium! Also, make sure to follow us here at @steemporium.

What is Steemporiums vision?

As mentioned in our original announcement here. @jonny-clearwater and I are eager to get to work uniting SteemIt artists with a way to earn on their creativity. You can think of Steemporium as a steemit friendly place for artists to gather and sell their goods.

What Next?

As you can imagine we’ve been piecing it all together by starting off with a few items that have the designs from @overkillcoin, @eqko, @jonny-clearwater and @papa-pepper all amazing SteemIt based artists!

And, as a special gift to the community for their support we even have the famous @papa-pepper presenting his very own, “As Seen on” shirt!


Keep in mind ,we are busying on boarding many other great products and designs throughout the week so check back in to see the latest and greatest be showcased. As you can see we are making Steemporium the go to place for Premium artwork and music. So bare with us as we ramp up things!

What about SteemStreams?

We are busy behind the scenes getting the music section organized and you can expect it out in the few days! We are super excited for what we have in store for you on this.

And as always please Upvote and ReSteem!


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