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Steemitri The MANA-quin: Here how I feel when the Voting Mana goes down

Dear Steemians,

With the HF20 there have been a couple of changes and I have to get used to it.

I took the chance in these days to meditate. Completely undressed, I remained silent and still for a while.

Slowly the Voting Mana is going back to 100%.

Yesterday I picked up my activities on Steemit, especially the reading of various users’ and witnesses’ opinions. There are optimists about the future of the blockchain STEEM, while others are a bit worried.

I will honestly wait a few weeks before making myself an opinion about it… I find that it is still early to draw conclusions.

In any case, I continue to keep myself busy on Steemit, feeling a lot like “MANA-quin”.
Every time that my Voting Mana decreases, it is like losing a part of my body!

Here is everything explained using pictures:



I will give a bunch of STEEM away to those who will comment indicating the percentage of every part of my mannequin body (torso, arm, hand, leg).

Greetings from your favorite mannequin!

Steemitri The Mannequin


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