TheDailySteemIt – A Social News Channel for SteemIt Is Now Hiring!


What is TheDailySteemIt?

A Social News Blog for SteemIt.

TheDailySteemIt is going to hire a few people to post on a few topics to start (more will be included as we go) and produce a daily blog Ezine for peeps. It will take place both on SteemIt itself of course @thedailysteemit, and


  • Steemit News ( of course!)
  • Politics
  • Sports
  • News
  • Tech News

Future topics:


How am I rewarded?

  • Liquid rewards ( STEEM/SBD) will be split with each author 15 % ( we take 10 % - for advertising costs and future expenses)

How do I apply?

  • Just leave a comment below as to why you would be good for this and what topic you would like to write for, or hit me up on under ( steemitqa) and we can talk about it.

When do you plan to launch?

  • Still TBD.

Will this really be a daily publication?

  • As it stands right now, yes.

What next?

Let me know below with feedback what you think of the idea, what other suggestions you may have!

There will be more to come shortly!

As I like to say LET's MOON TOGETHER! :)

Update: I'll be doing another post shortly giving more of the philosophy behind TheDailySteemIt as I know I didn't explain it well. Stay tune!

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