Steemdrive: New Zealand's First Billboard Campaign - Auckland the City of Sails!


The @steemdrive billboard campaign continues its world dominance of grand outdoor advertising for the promotion of Steemit, the blockchain based social media platform. Electronic billboards are already playing 15 second advertising loops in the “ground zero” city of Durban, South Africa as reported in our last proof of flight post. Furthermore, the 20M x 5M print billboard is currently in production, with official updates to follow.

As promised, we will be engulfing all countries around the world with Steemit billboards for as long as we have the fantastic support of the Steemit community behind the @steemdrive campaign.

The next target location is Auckland, New Zealand; hometown of fellow Steemian, and @steemdrive liaison, Shayne Shiells; who an active member of the community and deserving of maximum support for his campaign, take it away Shayne…


Hi fellow Steemians, most of you know me as @cryptoiskey, I recently joined Steemit on the 4th of July 2016, which already seems like a lifetime ago.

I have a background in 3D Animation and Design and have been developing for a virtual world since 2007.

When I believe in something I like to invest myself 100% with no exceptions and I believe heavily in Steemit and the direction it is moving.

In order to ensure Steemit's success, I believe we all need to do our part to bring Steemit to the world in whatever way we can. I have started promoting Steemit on the beaches of California which you can view here.

Venice beach was a great success and I will continue promoting Steemit on the California coast when I can, but for now I am excited to introduce the power of Steemit to my home country of New Zealand.

I was born in Auckland and know the city very well. It is the perfect fit to start a Steemit billboard campaign and hope you will support this endeavor. The city of Auckland in New Zealand is a prime location for billboard displays, let me explain why.


Auckland is the transportation central for the entire country. There are 1.4 million residents, not including the extended Auckland regions. Auckland holds 33% of the total New Zealand population.

Auckland's cosmopolitan dominance in New Zealand is very visible with 40% of the population being born overseas.

Having a large mix of ethnic groups in one area means many of their family members are still overseas, this will intensify the exposure to other countries, by utilizing a faster chain effect. People are always excited spreading the Steemit word, which I am sure is a valid advantage.

New Zealand also attracts tourists from all over the globe, with 3 million international visitors landed in Auckland In 2015. Many of these international travelers are from a younger generation seeking high-octane adventures and publishing their experiences via social media. Steemit blogging is a perfect fit and a billboard in the right location can take advantage of this demographic.

Below are the available Billboard locations.


You will notice the 2 black arrows. These are 2 locations I think can take advantage of Aucklanders and International visitors.

Billboard 1 - Nelson St.

This first billboard is located on Nelson St. in city central and is perfect for the visitor demographic as well as Aucklanders. What I like about this billboard is its position in relation to the stop lights. It really stands out between the 2 buildings. It will also take advantage of the "stop time".


Nelson St. proposed artwork concept

  • Size 6M x 3M
  • Illumination (viewable at night time)
  • Monthly Visuals: 1,676,161

Billboard 2 - Great South Road, Penrose.

This billboard takes advantage of dual traffic flows. One of the traffic flows contains 3 lanes of busy traffic. The viewing time is extended because of the sheer volume of stop lights. The billboard is heavily illuminated at night as to peek interest 24 hours a day.


Great South Road, proposed artwork concept

  • Size 12M x 3M
  • Illumination (viewable at night time)
  • Monthly Visuals: 1,119,333

All of the billboards locations in Auckland have great statistics and a rotation campaign would definitely work well.

The main reasons I like the two aforementioned billboards are:

  1. The locations take full advantage of stop lights which I believe is a key factor for driver awareness.
  2. The statistics are very high in both locations.
  3. They both are visible at night time giving them 24 hour exposure.

Auckland is a great starting point to gather some statistics and see how the New Zealand market responds to the Steemit billboards. New Zealand is very touristic and if placed correctly it is possible to take advantage of certain cities at specific times of the year (The seasonal charge of tourists). Tourists = Global.

The @steemdrive team thanks you for your support thus far and hope you will support us once again, bringing Steem powered billboards to New Zealand.


Remember to VOTE, SHARE and FOLLOW.

Terms and Conditions:
Steem Dollar payout funds raised from this Steemit post shall be primarily allocated to the New Zealand billboard campaign, and/or any other billboard site or @steemdrive public project where funds may be required in accordance with the general campaign terms and conditions.

Ned Scott of Steemit, Inc. approved the use of the domain on artwork, which will point to a referral link for campaign tracking, otherwise not possible if was advertised.

Previous Campaign Links: (Ricardo Goncalves' @steemdrive interview with Beyondbitcoin Hangouts, FFWD to around 30 minutes)

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