A Different Post: Today I Graduated the 1KSP Program

Hello there.
It was today, at 1 month and 20 days of Steemit, that I graduated @taskmaster4450 's 1KSP program.

The 1KSP Program is a program in which a user "adopts" another one to help him grow to 1 thousand Steem Power. The person who adopted me was @underground.

He delegated 500 Steem Power and Re-steemed my posts. Plus, he became a very close friend of mine and most can see the friendship that exists between us is a rare one.

Today, I graduated... I finally managed to get my account at 1,000 Steem Power - and I did it with no invesment. No money deposited.

For me, this is the thing that gives me the most pride.
I triumphed without resorting to "Pay 2 Win" mechanics as gamers call it.

Through this post, I'll thank a lot of the people involved in this journey of mine.

Getting "Adopted": Taskmaster, Underground and my Delegation

I was minding my own business, commenting around Steemit as I usually do, and one guy just starts chatting with me in the comments.

Not normal chatting either, heck it was strange, the guy looked a bit mad to me. Not mad as in annoyed, mad as in crazy.

That man was the guy who said - hey you know what maxi bla bla, I like you, I will delegate and vote you up.

I was like - uuuuuh cool man, you're a bit crazy, but a freebie? Sure!

  • Yeah! - he answered - I have an eye for talent!

And it came to pass that around 1 month ago, I met who would become my closest friend on here... the guy who is now going to take 500SP back to use it in order to grow more small fishes like I was.

Thank you @underground

Becoming an @ADSactly Contributor & Slothicornian Historian

While I was growing, I realize communities had a huge potential as a way to network my way up the ladder.

There were two communities who became part of the key to my success:

I entered ADSactly and started boring @velimir on how could I help him out... eventually he let me have a try at writing for their community blog.

I did, and my work happened to be good, so I was approved. I got a great payout out of it, which motivated me to keep up the good work.

On the other hand, I met @inquiringtimes and he took me by the hand explaining how @slothicorn worked. I offered to help him out, bored him with requests until he agreed to give me a chance at writing the history of the community.

I became the slothicornian historian and wrote an in-depth post on it.

The support I gathered from that post was great and it motivated me yet again. The rewards were average and consistent with the ones I'd get... but the support in warm words and in comments was well above what I usually had.

After some time, I become closer to @inquiringtimes, and I got a 300 SP delegation from him, which I much appreciate.

Thank you @adsactly, @slothicorn, @velimir and @inquiringtimes.

Steemit Trading Card Game: A Huge Success... Flagged!

A couple of days after becoming 1 month old, I had an idea.

I was playing Magic the Gathering and thought about Steemit - as I'm an addicted Steemian.

I thought what fun would be to have all the whales, big dolphins, orcas and the likes in card form. So I set out to make it happen.

The post was incredibly successful as most big players featured came by to my post and left me their words of support, and their votes... but then I made a mistake.

I thought a certain duo would have a sense of humor... turns out I was wrong and got flagged for $280.

Payout ZERO!

But I still felt it was worth it... it allowed me to meet some pretty cool Steemians, one of which would stick and become someone I consider a friend and hold in high esteem @themarkymark

I also could meet and talk with @paulag, @patrice, and way more cool people.

Thank you!

The Day That Changed Everything:

On the next day I was still feeling worried... I am a new guy and I learn fast, but that was my first flag ever, and a flag of that size that eliminates $280 in rewards and comes from such a high SP owner... well I was pissed.

I started to write a post that I didn't know would change my Steemit life.

I didn't stick my head in the sand and told everyone how those two were dickheads :D

And then, a Christmas Miracle happened in January. My favorite whale of them all, for obvious reasons, @berniesanders came forward and invested a LOT of money in promoting my post.

I was speechless.... I would recoup what the other guy took.

More than that! I was getting a huge torrent of support! The post was rising.... $200, $400, $600, $800 in rewards.

I was in TRENDING!

The feeling was amazing, I simply can't explain it to you guys.

I was feeling in awe, and at the same time a bit bad. I had no way to contact @berniesanders to let him know I owed him one.

Bernie! If you read this, I owe you one. I still can't contact you and it hurts not to be able to directly thank you. I'm a Portuguese guy, we are simple people, but we have a strong sense of honor.

You should add me on Discord.

But if you're reading this and that's not your cup of tea... thank you man!

Anyways, the post reached $1000 in rewards, and then @smooth flagged it.

Too much rewards for a flag whining post he said, and I kind of agreed. The post that deserved the rewards wasn't this one, it was the previous one of the cards, so even though I felt $1000 was a round number, the post ended at $700 and I was happy anyway.

If you're reading this @smooth, no hard feelings man, in fact I liked knowing you.

I can only hope you have an equal good impression of me.

Concluding: I am now a 1,000 SP Fish - Thank You

Thank you everyone.

There is only one explanation for getting 1000 sp with no investment and in less than 2 months... and the explanation is that I worked hard - no doubt - BUT the community saw that.

That is the true explanation!

The community noticed that AND my community... my 1500 followers... all of you, are GREAT!

It was due to your support that I succeeded! Every single one of you matters to me, and I try to visit everyone, but these numbers are starting to make it hard.

Don't worry... I ALWAYS answer the comments on my blogs so anything you need - just ask!

I seem to be talking like if I had won an Oscar, and it is only 1KSP, but to me it matters, and gives me strenght to set the goal higher at 5,000 :D


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