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Are We Still A Community?

It is very likely I am wasting my time here, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and thus I feel obligated to try this in light of my alternative options failing.

I do not like receiving something for nothing, and so when I found myself in serious need of money, rather than simply ask for it, I thought sooner to sell my account and the rights to the 18 months worth of content I have produced on it.

This approach has not yet brought any success, and so about a month ago I started adding a bitcoin address to the end of some of the posts that I spent upwards of a few hours on, in the hopes that some may appreciate the work and want to donate something. This is not an approach I would recommend to anyone, for as of yet, I've received zero donations- though I will admit I expected as much before trying.

Unfortunately optimism is no longer proving useful, and I have found myself on the verge of eviction from this property. If it were me alone that stood to be effected by this situation, then I would not be writing this post, for it is quite frankly an embarrassment. But it is not only me and therefore I cannot allow pride to prevent me from doing this.

There was once a very strong community spirit here. We would never have allowed one of our own to become homeless. I do not think that much of this community has endured, and that is why I feel it likely I am wasting my time with this post. But, at this point it seems it would be irresponsible of me not to try.

So, I am asking for the help I need. Though only what I feel I truly need, for as much as there are things to be paid and things that need bought, there is only one of these things that is a significant cause of stress for me, and that is the rent.

£1,283.43 is the amount owed to rent to save from eviction.

I do not care to say much else as it just sounds like emotional manipulation. This is what I need to save me a lot of problems, and I am asking this community for assistance with that.

Because I have been posting a lot about bidbots recently, I do not want this post to be misinterpreted as some sort of underhanded bribe. So to be very clear, even if I do garner the funds I need to address this problem, I will still, after paying the rent, be back here posting about why bidbots are evil. And even if I am made homeless, I will likely still be sitting on the street posting about bidbots from my phone - and having perhaps the best argument I ever could have against them.

A resteem will help to get more eyes in the community on this. That means more chance of support, but also more eyes learning things about my situation I'd rather not even be writing. So, I will let you decide whether this is something to resteem or not.

BTC address:


If this post changes to another post it is because I decided it was a bad idea and edited the post, as I already feel very much that way at this point.