Sneaky Ninja Blacklist Update

Sneaky Ninja
Blacklist Update

sneaky-ninja throwing coins

So, as I've posted Sneaky Ninja has a growing blacklist. This is an update as to new accounts being added to it.

In an effort to keep spam accounts and bot abusers from using The Sneaky Ninja I'm keeping tabs on any accounts I see that seem like spam or abuse. I cannot view all bidders posts because I simply do not have time. However what I am doing is when I do have time I will go through as many bidders posts as possible to find spammers.

If you are thought to be a spammer you will be added to my blacklist, no questions asked.

Bid bots are a privilege service, they are not to be used for spam posts.

Accounts added today.

  1. @vipins

If you see your name on this list you have been deemed a spammer and will no longer be receiving votes. You also will not receive any refunds for bids you put in so don't ask, and don't spam.

Now, I would like to ask something from the community...

If any of you see accounts that are using my service that are spamming and profiting from it please bring them to my attention for review. I simply do not have the time alone to find everyone.

@grumpycat, this means you too. Instead of stealing money from good posters you could spend your time flagging spammers then bringing them to bot owners attention so that we can blacklist them, like the one you showed me today (who, you will see is on my list). This would be a far more productive use of your time. That is of course only if you actually are trying to help solve the issue.

In further helping to solve bid bot abuse...

In further efforts to help solve bid bot abuse @yabapmatt, @themarkymark and few others are currently working on a communal blacklist that all bot owners can share from. This will allow us the ability to add spammers and abusers at a much faster rate and it will be unanimous across steemit.

This communal blacklist is, in my opinion, the best line of defense for this issue. You cannot say that bidding on an old post is black and white bad or abuse because this is simply not true. There are several legitimate reasons a person will bid that late. However when an account has actually been inspected and deemed to be abusing bots it is for real on an individual basis. These accounts can then be added to this communal blacklist and shared across steemit to effectively root out the issue.

Many thanks,
Kozeni (小銭)
Sworn defender and protector of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア)

Trained by @michaeldavid,
Supreme Jōki (蒸気) Master and warrior for @thealliance

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