The Problem with Steemit. Could be another UASF / UAHF in the making

Every so often other social platforms are re-enlightened with new feeds. Steemit however, is completely different.

You see, everyone knows the potential money to be earned by simply creating a new post. However, this ease of money making calls for a high amount of un-useful topics. Things that people upload with the hopes of hitting it big on the 'hot' tab. Following on, the problem is an overflow of many different topics with the majority of them being useless (This post could be one of them). The future of STEEMIT could be the same as the current situation with Bitcoin having to face SegWit, UASF and UAHF all to speed up the process of transactions by REMOVING redundant ones. This could be a future possibility of STEEEMIT, a site full of redundant information filled in by posts.

I doubt this post will go anywhere or will gain any revenue but I thought it would be a good topic to talk about. I'm sure the comments (If any) will be delightful... Touch wood

Creator and Author : James / Slam779

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