200 followers! I feel like I've made it!

Greetings guys! It's been over 4 months since I made my debut on Steemit, and it seems I've gone past a very imortant milestone!

Nothing like getting home after a hard day's work, and discovering that 200 people like my content to the point of following! It really makes me feel validated by Steemit in general!

Lemme tell you, I've loved every moment in this last couple of months! Thanks to you dear Steemians, I worked up the motivation to search up many tech topics that interested me, then sharing them with you here! And I finally took the leap into investing into crypto thanks to you!

Lately, I've been finding myself without much time... my master's thesis has slowly but surely taken so much of my free time that I just can't make my articles as often as I used to. I will keep trying, but please understand that for the next couple of months, I will be very overworked, and won't be able to devote as much attention to this as I really want :(

Regardless, I'll keep doing this for as long as I can! I love you guys too much to quit, and there's a lot of stuff happening all around us, just waiting for someone to look into it... and I will!

My posts will be sparing... but they will come!

Till the next one guys! Steem on!

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