5 Habits of Charming Talker

'Sitting there at a coffee table, sipping from a large mug of coffee and listening to her talking about everything in the universe - I totally forgot the time. It was dark outside. I felt that waiter was continuously lingering around. But why? That was the moment I realised it was late and they most probably wanted to call it a day and close the cafe.'

What happened here?

Have you ever been in such a situation where you lost track of the time because you are so lost in the conversation?

What were the reasons for that specific conversation to be so engaging?

Was it the person or topic or level of interest???

To tell you the truth, in most cases; its the person. Yes, we are so blessed by the presence of such individuals in our lives who make it more exciting, engaging and meaningful, that we actually lose track of time sometimes.

What makes these individuals different?

Everyone can talk but not everyone is center of attention in a room full of people. Such charming talkers almost always exhibit certain distinguishing personality traits. It is definitely not the way they look but it is how they talk & behave.

Today I am going to share some of their habits which you can also adopt to become the essential part of any conversation.

1. Good Listeners

Not only do they talk but they also listen. It is not they are lost in their own thoughts or do not let anyone else take part in the conversation. They just do not blow their own trumpet. They LISTEN also. it is not that they pretend to listen. They genuinely show interest. Communication is a two-way process. Therefore, successful individuals make sure that the cycle of effective communication is never broken.

2. Lively & Bubbly

We all have stories to tell. But if you tell a story in a way that the whole room falls asleep then you won't have any audience next time. But the charming talkers know the art of conversation is a bit of theatrical. It is not like reading from a book. It calls for appropriate body language and the spoken tones to make an impact on a friend or a group of people. Their conversations are never stale. They animate the whole atmosphere with their presence. So, basically, its a combination of body language, vocal shades and choice of words.

3. No Small Talk

Small talks are for those who are anti-social. But these charmers always go a step beyond. They show interest in you and your interests. From that point they carry on the conversation. 

You never see them striking a conversation by saying, "Isn't it too hot today?" They actually strike a different and unexpected but pleasant cord.

4. Questioning

They ask questions from everyone around. In their bid to keep the conversation moving and engaging, they articulate by asking meaningful questions.  This technique keeps everyone interested and feels important.

It also shows that they have the ability to dig deeper than the surface and not just blabber about themselves.

5. Eye Contact

One best quality of smooth talkers is that they actually look into your eyes while talking and not their cell phone or the whole room. They display interest and understanding by this single feature of maintaining an eye-contact. This habit keep both the parties engaged.

As you can see, it is not some alien-feat to be good a conversationalist. Sometimes it is a matter of priorities but if you are a genuinely interested you can always improve your personality and be an integral part of a company.

Your suggestions and comments are highly appreciated.

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