Service Announcement from Thirsty Records (featuring author @thirstyrecords)

You may or may not have heard, that there is a Blockchain-based Music Label - Thirsty Records

Thirsty Records is now on Steemit!

We are now announcing that Thirsty Records is now an official Steemit account which will be used to reward musicians of every type and genre.

Our goal here on Steemit is to provide a network of Listeners - fans & curators - whom benefit from supporting Musicians that follow our service.

What this means is, Steemit Musicians will benefit from this initiative by being provided with a fan base that rewards them for publishing their content here on Steemit. In other words, Musicians get paid for publishing and Listeners get paid for voting on posts from Steemit Musicians.

Thirsty Records will also be focused on growing the Steem Power of its Steemit account with a promise to never power down so that it too can reward all Musicians for their work.

What Motivates Us

There is little curation for Artists here on Steemit thus far and so Thirsty Records wishes to provide an equality for all Musicians. This way Musicians with or without a fan base can feel confident that they’re being heard.

Obviously with all things new it takes time to build a real network of people. We have decided that the easiest way to build this network here on Steemit, is through the channels. Therefore, we have created a new chat channel labelled #thirsty-music-promotion (we will also be using other music channels to find original content). We want all musicians, no matter what genre, to use this channel to promote their own original content.

We are looking for original music; completely original music productions and not covers or renditions of another Artist’s music. We expect each piece to be published by the creating artists themselves. This could be from a solo Steemit account representing themselves or from a group Steemit account that is representing a band.

Our plan is to create a decentralized network & community for musicians on the Blockchain. We will be using numerous Blockchain-based Media Platforms to do this. That includes proposed Blockchain-based Media Platforms like [Ujo] which is being created by Imogen Heap.

We will be predominantly based on Steemit for the time being.

As stated in our previous announcement, Thirsty Records is also working with a small team to create their own similar Blockchain-based Media Platform. This will be another hosting service for Thirsty Records and will be partially owned by Thirsty Records. The creation of this platform is to be announced at a later date.

Our responsibilities

  1. Curate all genres of music 24/7
  2. Provide a fan base for Musicians
  3. Moderate between Listeners and Musicians
  4. Provide equality & fairness in the music industry
  5. Look for quality and proof of work
  6. Ensure Musicians are fairly treated
  7. Ensure Listeners are fairly treated
  8. Provide unbiased content for all users here on Steemit
  9. Invest all SBD toward Steem Power*
  10. Invest all donations to @thirstyrecords in to Steem Power in order to further reward Musicians

Follow us & Support your favorite Steemit Musicians!

We hope that everyone chooses to support this cause as we dream of a world where musicians get exactly what they deserve for their works of art. It’s rare to find anybody that does not like music and so we expect this to appeal to all users here on Steemit.

This project relies on community support. Tell your friends here on Steemit, tell those you have recently invited to Steemit, and tell any Musicians you may know. We expect this project to work wonders for the Music lovers that use this website.

If you love music and wish to support real Musicians,

Follow @thirstyrecords

All proceeds from Thirsty Records will be put into Steem Power to be used when curating Musicians*

*(Administration fees will be subtracted when necessary otherwise all SBD will be invested into the @thirstyrecords account)

This has been an official service announcement from @thirstyrecords

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