Steemit Knows no bounds! Meet up and Interview with @oleg326756


@oleg326756 and I met a while back, we were both winners of a Steemit contest. We clicked right away and have been becoming better and better friends since then. When he told me he is coming to South Korea I knew I had to take some time to meet him, in person!

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@oleg326756 is from Gävle, Sweden. I am originally from South Africa but I am now living in South Korea.


We ended up spending the day together in Busan and shared some good stories and ideas about crypto and Steemit related things. We felt an interview is in order (actually @oleg326756 decided and I copied him a bit), to give other Steemians a better idea of who we are.

To view the interview that @oleg326756 had with me, follow this Link

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The Interview

How did you enjoy Korea?

I really liked it, loved it more each day and partly due to similarities to Japan. Korea is small but it has a lot to offer. One week was not nearly enough to properly explore what Seoul and Korea in general has to offer. I hope to come back one day, stay longer, and experience a lot more of this country.

Just out of curiosity, what was your major likes/dislikes of Korea?

Likes: Food ~ welcoming people ~ convenience of life

Dislikes: Language barriers ~ extreme indoor air-condition.

Describe yourself in one sentence.

I am a well-organized and structured person, a little shy but friendly.

What does the numbers next to your name mean?

When I was 15 I joined Greenpeace, I was always a proud supporter of what they were doing. I even worked for them at one stage, helping out with the website and promotional work. The numbers are from the membership card ID I received from Greenpeace when I first joined. It kind of stuck.

How has Steemit influenced/changed you?

I was actually a bit more of an introvert. Watching successful Youtubers and Steemians motivated me to be more confident and share more of myself. Facebook for me was just a series of fake projections. Everyone is trying to show us how awesome they are, even though it’s only for Facebook and not really the way they are in real life. Steemit is so much more transparent and genuine. I am currently pushing myself to post at least once a day. It’s a bit challenging but it also gives me some routine and creates a kind of discipline. Sharing with other people and building relationships is one of the most fun features of Steemit.

We know you are currently mining quite a bit. Tell us more about it and what your future mining plans are.

I remember as a kid my parents often mentioned that we didn't have a money making machine at home, when we kids were asking for new stuff. This stuck with me and I thought how cool it would be to literally have a money-making machine at home! Bitcoin came along I realized a miner hardware is exactly that. This was exciting and interesting for me. So far I have recovered 85% of my investments in miners, so just a few more months and I will be making clean profit. Since I pay a flat rate for electricity and Sweden has a cold climate, having a miner running throughout winter was a no-brainer. It’s a fun hobby, but I might sell my larger miner eventually. When I first joined Steemit mining gave me something to blog about and the post payouts increased my mining profitability.

Hardfork thoughts?

Well, if I had my hardware wallet here with me, I would probably sell half Bitcoin Cash for Bitcoin on Kraken on August 1st and keep the rest long-term, in case it goes up in the future. But, given that I'm currently traveling without access to my hardware wallet, I will have no choice but to keep all Bitcoin Cash for the time being.

What was the price of the first Bitcoin you owned?

I began investing in Bitcoin in early June 2016, in anticipation of the Brexit vote in the UK. Back then one Bitcoin was around USD $500.

What are your Future Steemit plans?

Regularity: I need and want to post on a regular basis to help gain a following and gain some extra income. My “Feed Your Minnows” series has been a really fun and rewarding project for me. The reactions and feedback I get from users make me want to host similar projects in the future. I want to improve my blogging skills more each day. Gym and being busy with other things made me post less in the last few months. I regret that now, seeing how much Steem had improved and grown during that time. I know that setting a goal of posting once a day might change as we can not always predict our inner motivation and as we all know, life sometimes gets in the way. I will keep posting though, about my life, travels, and adventures.

What are your future plans?

I want to eventually move to Japan and work there. The cleanliness, safety and orderliness, the politeness of people, respect people show each other – it all appeals to my personality.

What advice would you give new users?

I guess this would be the same advice everyone gives. Post regularly and keep the quality of your content as high as you can. Don’t spam your comments and links everywhere. Instead, write real comments and interact with the community. The followers and success will come. You just have to be patient and persistent.

That concludes the Interview.

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@oleg326756 also gave me his official Steemit card and some special coffee that he received at his Esperanto convention in Seoul. I liked the clean design!


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Meeting a fellow Steemian and someone who is well educated when it comes to cryptocurrency was really a unique experience for me. I am not surrounded by many people who talk, or even know about Bitcoin. I tried talking to my fellow co-workers about it but they are not really interested. This was a really unique and interesting experience that I wish I could duplicate many times over. So if any other Steemians come to visit South Korea, let me know and we can hang out!

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Thank you for reading! Steem on Steemians!


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