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Facebook Is Banning Women for Calling Men ‘Scum’


How I love SteemIt and decentralized blockchain apps, let me count the ways...

number one)

When huge social network companies ban/delete for controversial reasons I now have to chuckle. How long will people tolerate it? Now I'm not taking any political stand, either way, on this story. I'm simply commenting.
I have come to appreciate how SteemIt deals with "administration" Bravo!

so this is what happened on facebook...

Women had accounts banned from Facebook for responding to male trolls with sentences like ‘men are trash,’ in part because the company classifies white men as a protected group" When comic Marcia Belsky sarcastically replied “men are scum” to a friend’s Facebook post back in October, she never anticipated being banned from the platform for 30 days. That was exactly what happened.
Belsky was shocked at the severity of the punishment considering her relatively innocuous comment, and immediately spoke to her fellow female friends about the ordeal. They could relate. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, countless women have taken to Facebook to express their frustration and disappointment with men and have been promptly shut down or silenced, banned from the platform for periods ranging from one to seven days.

"A Facebook spokesperson clarified that this is because all genders, races, and religions are all protected characteristics under Facebook’s current policy. However, it’s clear that even with 7,000 Facebook content moderators, things slip through the cracks."

the full story here

Now just because I chickened out and decided not to take a position on this story doesn't mean you have to. Please comment. I'd love to see a debate over this issue!

For me, I thank the heavens I've discovered blockchain and SteemIt! I'm not just talking out of my hat here, got a great introduction to the power of the SteemIt community last night...

the @monitorcap story

Now I don't have the SteemIt experience yet to know exactly the extent of what @monitorcap was doing, but I did that see people wanted something done! And without a single admin or and official "terms of use" violation... the SteemIt community ended it.

I do like when big companies are removed from these processes, decentralization FTW! Let freedom of expression rule the day!