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August Gnosis Newsletter: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

Leo Lion flame burning.jpg

Out of the frying pan and into the fires of purification. As I write this it is August 11th so Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo. What an auspicious day to have my 52 solar return otherwise referred to as my birthday for my human spacesuit. I am grateful just to be here as 3 days before I traveled home to Bali in July, Mt. Gunung Agung exploded lava for the first time since it started acting up last September and we have had 3 major earthquakes and many more minor ones in less than 2 weeks here causing tremendous damage and loss of life on Lombok. I felt like I was in a sauté pan on a stove being thrown back and forth. Shortly after I got home from Athens that city caught on fire and tragedy ensued. Wildfires are raging in California and other western states in the USA, Spain, France, the Algarve in Portugal where I am headed in a bit, and Sweden had over 50 cities on fire at once. The whole ring of fire is active now and I have a front row seat.

Leo solar eclipse.jpg

I took a few days for reflection this week in between earthquakes down at the beach in Canggu and I thought I would share one of my insights with you that may help you find some sense and hopefully peace in these catalytic times.

"We can not bring Light into this dimension without bringing in Darkness...and we need to integrate both...the more Light we intend to bring the greater Darkness we must walk through...I know my spirit has gotten my ego into all of my challenges as I always seem to bite off more than I can comfortably chew but manage to not gag and die even if I do choke a bit sometimes...hahaha...As Mother Theresa said, "God(Dess) doesn't give us anymore than we can handle in one day...I just wish (s)he didn't trust me so much!"...Time to face and embrace all the darkness with the Heart and Courage of a Lion, die to our ego's little dreams, and start embracing our inner GodDess's vision for its' next creation...then Dream GiNormously!!!...For it is time to rebirth our world."

                                                                       some pictures of the destruction in Lombok

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Chaos is ensuing all over the world. Regardless of where you are on the planet I am sure you are being affected in some way. When we are amid chaos it is easy to be overcome with fear and engage in the chaos but we don't have to. When the 7.2 earthquake started and I was in a restaurant with friends everyone started screaming, got up flailing their hands in the air, and running out into the street. Everyone except me and my healer friend that is. We just sat there watching everyone scatter like rats, breathing deeply, watching, and made bets on the magnitude.

                                                                              earthquake aftermath in Lombok

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You can choose to embrace the fear, consciously choose not to react, and instead get curious watching. I like to use the analogy of Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ sitting on the bed in the eye of the tornado hugging Toto while watching her evil-intending neighbor riding her bike and the Wicked Witch of the West flying by completely unawares that she is about to land in Munchkinland, meet Glenda the Good Witch, and get a pair of magickal ruby red shoes. In moments of chaos anything is possible. It can precede destruction, creation, and sometimes both. By finding the quiet stillness in the eye of the storm we are better situated to be present to when it is best to act if at all.

                                                                                The Algarve aflame in Portugal

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One way to process all this chaos is to go to a consciousness festival for some healing, learning, playing, dancing, workshops/playshops, and conscious community with people from all over the world. It's so wonderful to be with so many people who are aware of what is really going on in the world, are passionate about wanting to do something about it, being the change they wish to see in the world, and still have an open enough heart to have some fun.

I am going back to the United States for the first time in four years to be a part of the 11:11 Emergence Experience Festival in Long Creek, SC, the next evolution of both the 11:11 Gathering in Sedona and the 3 Days of Light Festivals in Asheville. The festival is being held at the beautiful Chattooga River Resort and Campground just two hours from both Asheville, NC and Atlanta, GA. I will be presenting two of my workshop/playshops, Get Your GodDess On!!! and Rainbow Warrior Bootcamp, if you would like a taste of what my retreats of the same names entail. I will have more info and updates in next month's newsletter but if you would like to purchase tickets and lock in one of the indoor accommodations at the early bird prices available now, go here:

11-11 Emergence Experience Banner 4.jpg

Good luck with your spiritual triage either already here or coming anon. Time to Get Your GodDess On!!!

If you are interested in getting some assistance with integrating anything I have just shared, our collective Shadow Work, or your personal Shadow Work which is doing an emotional house cleaning in sync with the energetics on the planet now, or your Spiritual Awakening in order to access healing, more life force, and inner wisdom, please visit my website and fill out the contact form. I would love to help you Get Your Gnosis On!!!

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy!!!

Lisa Vunk @rwaariorgoddess
Spiritual Awakening Facilitator, Conscious Evolution Coach, Healer, Author, and Social & Spiritual Activist/Change Agent
