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Source meme originated from the truth teller @titusfrost.

It is not a good time to be Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg wants to everyone know that he’s a human. The Facebook CEO tells an audience that he “was” a human, before correcting himself to clarify that he still is. Zuckerberg said. “I was human. I am human, still. But, um, but I was just referring to myself in the past. Not that I was not human.”


The Facebook CEO has been in hot water since the revelation first emerged that private data of a staggering 87 million users had fallen into the hands of "malicious actors" Cambridge Analytica, a voter profiling company that harvested user data to assist in the election of Donald Trump. Facebook has incurred a global backlash and potential legal investigations for the scandal, all culminating with Zuckerberg testifying before Congress on April 10 and 11.

However, one thing Congress and the world needs to know before grilling a slippery: he might not be one of us. Mark Zuckerberg may not be human or at least that's what rapidly expanding anti Facebook would lead you to believe. The more he is in the spotlight, the more he acts inhuman. Thus, the internet has determined he is either a lizard person in disguise or a robot.

A growing community of meme creators are spreading jokes about "the human founder of the massive social media website called Facebook." The series of memes has gained a following of nearly 19,000 subscribers and is deeply rooted in the CEO's notably terrible interpersonal skills. There is a very clear reason that these memes have become so successful, and that's the fact that they seamlessly imitate Zuckerberg's style of posting and use his forced likability to poke back at him.

While Mark Zuckerberg is most definitely, probably human (I think?), there is one thing to be learned from all of this: the Facebook leader is attempting to play himself off as normal in the hopes of smoothly sliding out of any trouble. Will our corrupt representatives be able to recognize the robotic nature of Zuckerberg's sweet talking? One can hope. Then again, they seem to have enough trouble realizing a certain head of state is actually a troll. My guess is he gets slap on the facebook.

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