Gift of 1 SBD With a Promise to Forward it to a Person in Need and Make a HELPING CHAIN.

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On my first day of Steemit I was unable to understand exactly how it works, then I made a friend @rishi2184 (Rishi) who was on steemit from quite a long time. He welcomed me on the social media platform and gave me advice and also motivated me by saying that quality content is always appreciated on this platform so just give your best in your contents. Last night while I was working on my content I saw a notification in my steemit wallet and this was for the first time i have seen that notification so i had no idea for what it was for. I opened the wallet and it said 1 SBD sent by Rishi

I was happy to see the first SBD in my wallet but I also thought why @rishi2184 sent me the money. I opened the chat and asked him about the money, Then he told me that this money was given to him by @mathworksheets (Manjit) when he was new to steemit. This act by Manjit inspired Rishi and he thought of forwarding that 1 SBD to a newbie who post good contents and make it a helping chain, Rishi asked me to forward that money to a newbie on steemit who is serious towards his content, whenever I have a decent sum of money in my wallet.

This is a great idea of helping some new ones as 1 SBD may not be a great deal for big players but for newbies it is their 1st money on Steemit.

The chain- @mathworksheets ---->> @rishi2184 ---->> @romitroksharan

Someday I will extend this chain, I would like to ask everyone of you to make your chain as this motivates the newbies and help them grow in the steemit community.

Thanx a lot Manjit & Rishi for starting this chain.

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