How to Maintain Skin and Prevent Acne

Everyone must have clean and healthy skin, but unfortunately when somehow stress, melting, weather changes, skin immediately arises, but do not worry I want to give tips to my friends how to prevent acne by consuming fruits and nutritious foods for health skin.

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Do not forget Beberpa food below add in our food menu to help clean the outer skin inside.

a. Red Wine Fruit
Grapes are certainly no stranger to us, Grapes and seeds are rich in chemicals and antioxidants that have been shown to help treat skin inflammation such as psoriasis and eczema, not only are red grapes also known to help overcome the efeksamping of skin's allergic reaction .


b. Avocado
Avocado fruit including a much-loved karna nutrisinya good for healthy body, this very delicious fruit is known to be rich in vitamin E that can increase the moisture and suppleness of the skin so keep it young.


c. Nuts
Most of us who have acne are usually associated with mineral deficiencies such as zinc and selemium, now we can get the minerals intake from nuts, because nuts contain selenium, vitamin E, copper, magnesium, manganese, kalenium, and iron are all good for the health of our skin.


d. Broccoli
Broccoli one of the perfect natural skin cleanser, broccoli is equipped with vitamins A, B, C, E and K are very good for the health of the body and various antioxidants contain broccoli will help damage the skin and help our skin become more radiant.


e. Fish
Often we encounter us in Indonesia and some other areas eat more meat and chicken than fish as a protein intake, whereas the nutrients in fish is so high that it offers a mamfaat that can not be doubted, including for skin health.
And last:


f. Garlic
Onions other than potent for cooking spices, garlic is also powerful to ward off some types of diseases during this well-known garlic mamfaatnya good for heart health and garlic is also known to be good for the skin because garlic including the Super Food group that helps fight inflammation.


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