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This is a test, I will make a post about it later dont worry guys

The procedure went very well, all the nurse were very kind and helpful, I was very nervous but they reassured me with a big smiles and then I was wheeled into a room. I hardly remember a pretty nurse squeezing my hand as the IV went into my arm; she said to me "sweetheart, you will have plenty of beautiful children one day. But not yet, and that is okay." I woke up two hours later with a very sore uterus and a very sore heart. But guess what? I am okay. Whenever people talk about this topic, they usually say it as if abortion has to be some difficult moral dilemma for the us. I have told it to my best friends about my abortion, they have been brimming with sympathy for my loss, and tried to empathize with what a difficult decision I must have had to make. People say things like, "that must have been a tough decision", but I was a teenager in high school, and I had zero interest in having kids. It was not even a decision, it was a foregone conclusion. I feel absolutely no guilt or regret, and I have never given it a second thought since, except when the topic of abortion as a political issue comes up. I use my experience to humanize the issue for people who oppose abortion, especially when they make the argument that women only need abortions because they are irresponsible, and so because the pregnancy is a result of their own "stupidity", thy should have to suffer the consequences. I bring up the fact that I did everything "right" given the information that I had, and that my pregnancy was not a case of being "careless" or "irresponsible". I also use my situation to show how being forced to have that child would have derailed my college career, and generally ruined my life--through no fault of my own.

All I want to say is that it seems like people think that it is only acceptable when you suffer a lot from it physically and emotionally, it is like in our society, women are not allowed to be perfectly ok with my decision to abort. Everyone expect my abortion to have been some deep, dark traumatic experience, and they treated me like I am some kind of baby-murdering monster or a freak when I tell them that it was not traumatic in the least.




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