Recent news article about steemit

"How Your Business Can Cash in on New Social Network Steemit’s Meteoric Rise"

   The above titled news article has been posted to by Raphael Locsin, August 19, 2016. It is a positive article about steemit and encourages businesses to integrate the steemit platform into their social media and branding strategy. 

   The article explains in clear to understand general terms that steemit is the first social network to be built on blockchain technology and rewards users for posting, voting and commenting. It also goes on to outline the process of how to get involved and what steps to take.

The article quotes a conversation CEO Ned Scott had with CoinReport and Katherine Fletcher that was posted on July 08, 2016 regarding the benefits for users. “The way it works is quite great for the users, where the better a post performs, the more the poster and voters earn in Steem Dollars and Power.” In that article Mr. Scott went on to say “The algorithms for this are all at the protocol level and are quite complex, but it’s pretty simple at the website level: just post, get appreciated by the community and earn Steem.”

In conclusion that article admits that steemit may, or may not be the next big thing, ...but it just might!


You can check out the news article here.
You can check out the news article here.

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