
Tea is a popular beverage. Increasingly popularity day by day If you do not have tea in the office, house and friends chat Tea removes our fatigue and creates a working environment. Tea keeps the mind-mood fresh and furfur.
You probably drink tea regularly and in the morning. But you know, what kind of benefits can be found in the body by using tea. Tea is not just for eating. Licker tea and green have the special role to keep our body healthy. Tea helps in heart attack, digestion, enhancing the ability of disease resistance, and good teeth.
Let's know if you have tea, solve various types of physical problems including digestibility.
Heart Attack
Did you know that green-red reduces the risk of heart attack? Drinking 2 to 3 cups of green per day reduces the risk of heart attack by about 20 percent and the risk of stroke is reduced by 35 percent.
Bone health
Green-tree keeps the bone healthy. The green bones are strong bones. At the same time, the incidence of various diseases related to this decreases.
Immune system
If we drink leaker tea, then our immune cell performance increases. As a result, the prevention of diseases increases so much that the risk of multiple infections decreases drastically.
Increased digestibility
Tea increases digestibility. If you practice eating herbal tea, you can reduce the incidence of multiple bowel diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome or indigestion. So those who are suffering from such a disease, they start eating herbal teas from today.
Tooth is beautiful
In Japan, it has been proved that PHL level increases if the Licker drinks tea. This reduces the risk of a cavity. The tooth is also beautiful.

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