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7 months on Steemit..... Just my thoughts!

7 Months ago I made this account and right away my heart was stolen. I loved how it all worked and loved it even more that everybody was so willing to help each other out! Being used to a platform like Facebook made it very hard for me to understand how things worked around here but with the help of many others I learned how Steemit worked without reading the white paper! Yes, I did not read it! I tried to but..... My attention span is the same a fruit fly and after reading three lines I was already lost! 

I made this account to share my dark poems and writings but soon enough I found out that there were not many people who were reading my work. So, I tried to share stories I wrote in my past and that also did not really work. Did this all stop me? Did it make me hate Steemit or make me jealous of others?

Sometimes I felt like Steemit might not be the place for me and yes I started to doubt my writing. I am not a native English writer or speaker so mistakes are made. I kept pushing myself to write but it did not give me a good feeling at all. It started to become a must instead of something fun. After taking a short break to gather my idea's and to rest my mind I saw the light! I should share something I really love. That is when I started to share the art work and crafting I made! 

^One of my drawings!

It changed it all for me when I started to share my Doodles! I started to get followers and I even got votes! Slowly my post started to make some money and I felt like I was in heaven! One day my heart almost exploded after I posted and logged back in after three hours to find my post on the trending list! I made 500+ Dollars on that post and I will never ever forget the amazing feeling I had that day! I had a few more really great posts but I also knew that it was not going to last.

I was right, slowly my post earning went down and that is where most people felt pain where I just accepted it and kept posting no matter what! Of course, I won't lie, we all like the fact that we can make some money here no matter if that is in the long term or short. I use the money I make here to buy new supplies for my work and it gives me a great feeling when I do so. Most of my post now make between 6 and 15 dollar depending on the steem and the voters. I am happy with that. Of course I also have posts who only make a few cents but it's all in the game.

^one of my drawings! 

In my 7 months here I never thought about walking away but I did have some real WTF moments! I am not a technical person nor do I have any knowledge about programming and or computers at all! ( I am happy I can start up my laptop and know how to send a picture! :D ) But with the help of others I can understand how this platform works really well. Next to the fact that I NEED to hear things instead of read to understand them I just push buttons and see what happens! It's the best way to learn in my eyes. Just try and try again till you understand what you did and should not do again! 

How I feel and think about steemit right now! 

It saddens me to see so many fights about flagging and or fights at all. I really hope that will change!
I will not lie, sometimes I see posts making a whole lot of money while the content really is not that great ( In my eyes) but who am I to say what is good or not? I vote on the things I like and I don't vote if I did not read or liked the post. Some say you need to be friends with the whales to make the trending page and to be honest I do believe that is true! I see some great whales voting on newbies as well so they are not all the same just like we are not all the same. For a while I felt like only those who invest and or don't take pay out would get more votes than those like me who also take money out. I do believe that you can make it here if you are like me, a quiet person, shy even it just takes more time. Those who have a big mouth will always be heard first and that is something I have accepted a long time ago. I am not a screamer and I do tend to stay away from voicing my mind in discussions. I tried it one time here and got into a fight right away and it resulted in my first and only muting I did here on Steemit! 

^One of my drawings!

There is however one thing that really bothers me around here and that is the screaming about bad content and the way people vote! Everyone is free to write/post and vote the way they see fit. There will not be one post all steemians will like or hate all at the same time. There will always be a discussion about it and I wish that would stop. But I know it never will so again, I just accept how it is. 

I always use the 50/50 option to post and I power up as much as I can! I never powered down!

Overall, I really love Steemit and I enjoy every new aspect they add to it.
I love to read the posts on the trending lists ( I hope one day I will make it there again!)
I love the interaction you can have! ( Sorry, I am really shy but when I know you better I will blab away!)
I love all the different content shared! ( Grateful for the NSFW tag! I am not against porn but I don't like to see wet spots before I had my coffee!)
I love that I make my own money! ( Whooo-hooo I have bitcoins now)
I love Steemit all together with all it's up and downs and every day I learn something new! 

I hope to stay here for a long time and I hope to see even more changes for the better! ( A chat option would be great! I mean on Steemit itself and not on a outside platform! I hope that many more people will sign up and share the amazing feeling Steemit brings! 

Thank you for reading my post! Feel free to leave a reply they are really appreciated! 

Love hugs and kisses
