How to Make Death your Bitch!

“A True Story of Lifelong Near Death Encounters and, short Guide for Transitioning Phases.”
By Jordan-Michael: Askew -Tactical Wordsmith/Near Death Experiencer/Radio Host

We’ve all thought about it at some point in our lives, “Shit, I’m gonna die someday”

The good news however? Dying really isn’t all that bad.

How do I know this? Experience of course ☺.

That’s right, for the better part of my 29 years on this prison planet, I can recall at least one or more near death experiences during which I actually died for a few moments, was close to death, or perceived that state without confusion or fear.

You might say I’ve had one foot in and one foot out of this world since birth.

A blood infection in the hospital as a newborn rendered me unresponsive, not breathing, and lifeless for a few moments before resuscitation.

Onto my childhood, there was the time I walked out of a two-story window trying to chase my “Bert & Ernie” and, ended up on the ground with the life temporarily knocked out of me, no heartbeat.

I still remember the feeling of being “gone”, no silly white light, or fru fru angels, just a knowing. An un-corruptible sense that I AM, I CREATE, I PERSIST.

Hit by a car while riding my bicycle on the way back from middle school, car impacted me while I was crossing a cul de sac peddling from sidewalk to sidewalk.

Now that I think back on this incident, it was quite rapid. I didn’t really know what was happening but, by the time I was up and over the back of the car, everything slowed down like almost to a freeze frame.

Interestingly enough, i felt like I was “getting heavy” and “falling into a bottomless hole”, which at that moment was quite ironic, seeing as how I was “airborne” and flailing on top of the car with my bike flipping about. Result? I was knocked out cold, Driver Took off, and I woke up in e-care center at the behest of a concerned citizen who found me.

Few Years Later during my time as a rebel child, I was living at a place called Boys-town in Nebraska, got sick of the place and went for a night adventure. Being pre-pubescent and ornery, I snuck into the “Fieldhouse” which is a domed building about 400 feet tall.

Somehow climbed to the top of the building using a “cage ladder” leading to a catwalk at the top. Peering over the side looking down at the floor below, and also a giant hollow hanging scoreboard, suspended from wires above the floor.

Next thing I know, everything got dark and I went over the side.

Woke up inside of the scoreboard about 100 feet above the ground still, with burns on my hands (from grabbing the suspension wire?) and I laid there going in an out of consciousness for about 48 hours. Someone eventually heard me crying and, although noticeably shocked, they lowered the scoreboard to the ground and rescued me.

Then onto my risky teenage years in which, I was almost shot in the face during a trip into a not so nice area of ft. worth Texas, during attempted robbery of a few skinny white teens (us), but the gun jammed. We ran like a bat out of hell back to our car. Definitely broke more than a few traffic laws that day.

Now just picking some of the juicy ones:

As an adult I wrecked a Honda 600r doing 70 miles in the hov lane, because a person on their cellphone swung over into the lane without looking. Caused me to wreck, bike flipped and totaled, I ended up on the other side of the median sliding across my back knocked unconscious (thank you turtle shell and helmet, holy crap).

Riding my Star Bolt motorcycle from Texas to Colorado, going up over the rockies at “Monarch Pass” which is a 7mile upgrade, and 10 mile downgrade, with little to no guard railing in crucial areas and, I did this during a sleet storm. Almost slid off the edge so many times at one point I actually just accepted my impending or possible death. This was quite possibly the most surreal experience, to not be unconscious, to not be incapacitated but, locked in a constant battle of focus and intensity for one’s life.

That experience was one giant near death experience and at moments, I actually left the body and was floating above my motorcycle watching my self tense, tighten, lean, and control the bike.

How about this one, crazy as ever.

I was driving down the road in a ford ranger, short cab truck. Doing about 65 miles an hour on a two-lane highway no median. Just happened to look up just in time to see a White Chevy Subaru coming the opposite way. In the next moment, I watched in disbelief as the driver side back wheel starts to come away from the car un-attaching itself.

The 60 pound wheel mind you, gradually meanders over into my lane and then hits a bump. I am now staring a fast moving heavy object right in the face as it is barreling toward me at 70 miles an hour plus my travel speed in the opposite direction. I swerved off in a ditch to the right just in the knick of time.

I could feel the force coming and see in my peripherals as the Wheel hit the frame of my truck right behind my seatbelt left shoulder area. It hit the frame, skidded the truck sideways further off the road, and flew away in the opposite direction into a corn-field over 500 feet away. The officer at the scene who showed up patted me on the shoulder and explained just how severe it could have been considering how far away the wheel was found after impact.

Had I not swerved, the Wheel would have come through the windshield, crushed me completely, then continued out the back of my truck and probably killed the traveler behind me.(Any body who contributes to this post or up-votes it may certainly contact me to obtain a copy of this crazy police report).

Now wrapping that up, let’s get to a few things we can all learn from these and other experiences.

Number One: Death is an illusion.

In moments of near death or actual dying, you do not “magically” lose your identity. All things are just as clear as if you were alive, in fact "death" is merely an "expanded" state of awareness.
Information flows effortlessly to you and from you. Can travel instantly, travel the universe, go find another body to inhabit etc. Dying is like waking up from the night before when you went to sleep, as you fully remember your body image/feel.

Number Two: Fear of Death and Walking into the White Light.

During a number of my experiences I DID actually see a white light, but it gave me the creeps and somehow felt unnatural. So I said FUCK THAT and turned around.
Next thing I know im awake back in my body.

Research over the years has led me into a number of different concepts which explain what this “White Light” really is.

It’s a software program designed to prey on soul energy who are leaving the body, and re-cycle that energy back into a new physical body on this planet called “Earth” which has really become the central hub of negatively oriented entities conducting energy harvesting experiments and, in which they are perverting the natural order of “Reincarnation” by trapping souls here in this specific region of space. Déjà vu? Past lives? Yep.

I will go on to describe this phenomena and the entities presumed to manage this “etheric software/machinery” in later posts.

Number Three: A few suggestions for a Successful Transition

This is pretty easy, if you are lucky enough to die a timely or “expected” death, make sure to prepare a massive dose of psychedelics for your “transition”. The loss of ego and expanded awareness will allow you to face the next dimension without fear.

It is the fears of death which mark our souls as targets for these etheric software programs, it is like a homing beacon.

To die properly you must first accept that it will happen, and release the fear of it. Only then can your transition be smooth and without interference.

What lies beyond? Well quite frankly, everything and more than what you are aware of in this body.

The universe my friends, and all the physical concepts related with it are still available in death.

Sensory perception is expanded beyond the constraints of “time” or “distance”.

There are a number of entities which operate and live in the non-physical realms, there is good, there is evil, there is society, there is law, there is economics (albeit of a non-monetary sort).

In short, everything experienced in the body is but a small fraction of the whole reality available to you when you leave.

Your identity is integral to the electromagnetic energy which comprises your soul, it can neither be modified or destroyed for want of a physical body.



P.S. Every death or near death event described herein is the absolute fucking truth, backed by memory, records, witnesses, and/or police reports.

You are the power, now stop giving it away.

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