STEEMIT needs BIG DATA if it wants to succeed

To be honest,i am pretty impressed by what steemit has achieved already but in my opinion that is not viavle in the currrent format.

So far it's success is based on its innovation,being first in the field and of course handing out money.

i am here to debunk those 3 factors in order to help steemit succeed!

I really want it to.

1 Innovation in 2016 is nothing but a reason to lough,what is innovative in july will be obsolete in september probably the way the cryptoworld is moving.We already see new visitor 's drop everyday as stated by @jesta (so proud of that dude for his work) also,the thing that steemit has bigger user engagement than reddit is not a big deal since what happened to archaic looking reddit with the new born steemit can easily happen to steemit with the next big thing.And trust me BETA phase for a similar platform is a few weeks away.

2 Being first in the field is not enough after the second or third platform comes and as i mentioned that is pretty damn close.Soon there will be like 4-5 platforms that actually learned from Steemit 's mistakes.


3 The reward system is a huge pain in the ass,and a great thing of course.

You see,people get used to get paid hundreds or thousands of dollars for bullshit posts 50% of the time.

Imagine now the double edged sword that is ahead:

Option one,steemit stays ahead more people join rewards get shared between more people which means they drop.What is going to happen is many of the quality users will start sharing their time with all platforms since they are used to thousands of dollars,meaning user engagement will bust.Also many people joining means that more and more bots and low quality posts will be 70% of the users.

Option 2 Steemit becomes the second best platform which means it is all downhill from there.

Nobody will spend time here.

I want to give my humble and honest opinion as an everyday user to make better

1 Most important of all is a decent mobile app,i personally get frustrated when i want to post something on the go and the app cant post pics or even browse smoothly.

2 Kill the bots!I am no programmer but i am pretty sure you can kill them fast enough so it is not viable for them to create those damn things

3 GET BIG DATA.that means that steemit should listen to it's users.create a simple site so that people use it to propose new functions.only big data will give you the real problems of today 's steemit,and the actually devote some manpower in evaluating those proposals.

People want steem to succeed.

4 PLEAAASE introduce notifications on the site and push notif for mobile.

5 Let people join just with an email address even if that means you will have to kill more bots and even if you dont have the 10$ giveaway.

6 Holiday mode.What i mean is,if a user knows that for example wont be able to use steemit for a month he can get his account in holiday month.If after a specific ammount of time the user is inactive,deactivate his account.That will give us real world stats.

7 You should be able to see your followers and the ones who downvoted you in your profile,without

and some stats about the visitors in your posts.for example if you have 300 visitors and 40 upvotes you know that you did something wrong,and wont blame the hour of the day or whatever.It will promote better posting

8 Finally,promote STEEM .make it usable,not just tradeable.make it so people dont have to turn SBD to STEEM to BTC to VIWOX to PAYPAL to FIAT.

Make steem usable for online purchases.WE want to use it more and it will drive uo the price!


thanks for your time fellas.

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