Blockchain :::::Glockchain To Tracks Gun Usage by Police::better Future :: crime reduction by Blockchain

in world Gun shootings are creating havoc generally by Police or ISIS or any Thug
As per reports
2015 there was 13,286 people killed
and 26,819 people were injured.
in US only
In Canada there was Number of Shootings

Shooting map of Toronto

in 2012, 60 % deaths were by Guns
31 % Canada,
18.2% Australia
10% U.K.
Mexico has uncounted numbers as per reports there is more than 80 Gun firing official per day ,Unofficial are countless
43 killed in Mexico shootout dated 23rd may 2015

in Africa many more
India is also in counting


Glockchain is still in beta .::prototype of Guns are being made which will be connected peer to peer and sends data to server if they are fired Glockchain will work with Police only in early stage but later Govts can implement them into weapons to Track criminal easily as licence issued as Address and once gun fired It creates Hash on network which can be tracked and it will be easy to find Criminal how fired ARM in incident
"Jing Ling" project manager at Liberty Mutual and dev team member of Glockchain
says that by Connecting a gun to blockchain network will make police officer to answer whole Incident whay they Fired
He said:
"Unlike a traditional smart gun, you can see who’s holding the gun. Then you can pair that with video for a time record."
as Gun Crime is increasing day by day police and Govt can easily track firing incidents and they are also implementing GPS so easily can find HASH spot/ incident Place easily by weapon and once this WEB is ready it will change Crime monitoring and may things

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