a review of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

Siddhartha is artfully written, the word choice is generally soft and flows well, makes for a great read.

Through this book I've learned the importance of waiting, thinking, and fasting. I believe these 3 skills are possibly the most important skills a human can attempt to master. The rewards for learning and performing them well are evident in many aspects of life, including relationships, business, and art. Arguably everything is affected by humans with a mastery of them.

pictured above is Herman Hesse the author

"A beautiful philosophical novel by a Nobel Prize winner. It’s a story of a young Indian Brahmin’s pursuit of enlightenment. The setting is the time period of Gautama Buddha. The story is rich with philosophy, but the language is so lyrical and the narration so vivid that it is difficult to separate the poetry and the deep philosophy. One flows with the story as if flowing with a peaceful river. The author seems to conclude that no amount of second-hand knowledge and learning can give you the real sense of peace or happiness unless it is enlivened by real first-hand experience." -Abhay Joshi

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