Promotion Tips! Lets get the most out of this new feature!

Hi Steemians! With the new feature on Steemit (promoted posts, in case you missed it, official announcement here) and with the purpose of not getting the Promotion rates too high and get the most out of this new feature, you should follow the following tips.

  • Remember that only Boost Payments are considered to rank posts so if you want to be in the first place you just need to send a really small amount more than the Boost Payment on the first ranked post. Even just a cent more.
  • If someone happens to Boost their post more than yours, don't go crazy, you just need to send enough for your total Boost Payments to be just a little higher.
  • Don't try to compite with rich people they will just send lots of money so that their posts are in the first places and this will bring the rates to the sky!
  • Flag posts that used a ridiculous amount of Boost Payment.
  • Don't abuse and always use a considerable Boost Payment otherwise you may risk getting flagged.
  • Check the promoted area so you can discover new good authors that believe in themselves but remember just to vote for content you would have upvoted even if unpromoted.
  • Finally remember NOT to promote post that has passed its first payout cause the system will allow it but it will get removed with the first upvote.

Well that's about it ...

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