Features that make Steemit Pure and Unique


Certainly, we've all been familiar with different social media platforms with their respective varies features and functions (without mentioning names). Also, Steemit existence might be short but not slim; it's a rare sparkling diamond among its kind, not judging neither from its creation time (existence) nor experience but with its distinctive unique features and hidden functions;

1. BUILDING A COMMUNITY FULL OF GREAT MINDS: whoever engages in any activity on Steemit and get reward afterward is the real MVP. Being great is a gradual process that requires Hardworking, Passion, Commitment, Determination and Focus. Majority of steemian are bloggers who one way or the other rack their brain intensively to produce the finest piece of knowledge from their inner brain faculty box.

2. GIVING HOPE AND LIFE FOR HUMANITIES: Arts, Sciences and Commercials are the three departments that have numerous branches where people choose what to do and embark on making a particular dream comes to fulfilment soonest.
World today, it seems Art appears to be lagging, with people flourishing in Sciences and Commercials. But Steemit, with its wonderful organisation and strategy has provided the need to grow of every ARTIST AND HUMANIST by getting necessary rewards for their contents and having great support from neighbouring steemians. By this, most of people who are into ART AND HUMANITY still have their hope alive and aiming to realise their dreams very soon.

3. AVAILABILITY FOR EVERYONE ACROSS THE GLOBE TO BE A MEMBER- Excluding being slothful, racist, terrorist and other bad influencers of varies forms. This feature makes Steemit so strong and unique. Any community or platform that is not well secured won't be a peaceful platform and it's advisable not to be part of such platform. Steemit keeps maintaining its rigidity in kicking against any form of insolence and working towards the positivity of giving the users good stay.

There are many factors that determine and describe steemit as pure and unique platform but the enlisted features above are few stated.

I'm not trying to distinguish or juxtapose social media from one another but to just reveal the special sauce that makes steemit sweet.

Less i forget, Steemit is a blockchain not just ordinary social media. So it is hard to compare death with sleep.

At least; the trust must be said and the features might not be constructed very well but certainly they are FACTS.

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