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FACT: I have brought more people to Steemit than possibly anyone else. Including the entire Steemspeak server when it was still called Stakepool. Now I am flagged by half of the people I brought here, BE CAREFUL WHO YOU HELP!

I know what you are thinking.. how is it the person who brought SO many influencers to Steemit being attacked so hard? Great question... Too bad there are no referral rewards because I would be freaking LOADED......... Even at a 0.5% referral fee of posting rewards of those I directly referred would be 10,000 dollars or more by now. After blessing much of the Steemit community with my knowledge and services and free accounts I feel pretty great! I brought some of the biggest names to Steemit.. helped dozens of newbies who are now dolphins, whales or bigger.. helped even their friends and friends of friends , their family and their children with upvotes.. I have been made broken promises by many (I'm not naming names.) And I have blessed everyone so greatly here, never causing any harm but being swarmed by attacks for my faith in the name of "homophobia." You are welcome, @fyrstikken, @papa-pepper, @ats-david, @ausbitbank, @canadian-coconut, @theprophet0 (all of which either have whale accounts now or delegated whale accounts) half of you I brought here and the rest of you that I have supported with my upvotes since the beginning (when I had 30,000 dollars of SP and Steem was at 4 dollars).. All of whom who have completely turned their backs on me except my friend Pepper.. though he should have after some of the things I said. It seems I have lost respect from some because I cashed out my SP, some of them won't even speak to me but that is just okay because I did my best! And if people wanna hold me down with flags then that is between them and God. God says that if you don't forgive others he is not going to forgive you, so essentially those of you daily flagging me are going to hell. There is such a spiteful hatred in much of the "whale" community. Riches certainly don't equal happiness and especially not kindness.

So who are the real top referrers?

I would say @JeffBerwick aka @DollarVigilante and I are 1 and 2 for referrals.. who knows which of us brought more people.. God bless you Jeff.. Number 3 I would say is @Craig-Grant, I know he works his ass off trying to refer people to here.. and probably brought a lot of influencers who brought more people.. 4, 5 and 6 would be the people I brought here.. @Fyrstikken, @Ausbitbank and @Papa-Pepper in that order... certainly all these people are in the top 10 for actual referrals. The only person I regret bringing here is @Fyrstikken.. we had been friends on and off for 5 years.. always fighting.. but when he finally made it big he kicked me to the curb.. no more use for @noganoo anymore.. Nevertheless he continues to bring more people here and supporting the community in ways.. and he has some great qualities and skills like cartooning and storytelling.. and I have my own cartoon character and puppet characters thanks to him. It's bittersweet but I still love @Fyrstikken despite him removing lots of money from my posts in the past month.

The character @Nug in Fyrstikken's cartoon Roger and Snorre is based off of my life and embellished with his wild imagination. The snake in this episode was @PoeticSnake.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; - Matthew 5:44


Bitcoin - 17tzshAiqvyaMxxkkhR4m6PaJgY6AZkU7f
Steem - account: bittrex memo: ab3ef58b54e645519ac
Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens - 0x8A09Bf6D7c6A947fcaA07b2A84961A17A3468459
Bitshares - account: bittrex-deposit memo: 4a9deefcc3d74c0abb3
Gridcoin - RyUL5atabbye87i1KEfiHmwuZYn2i4mWPA

I will bless you so you will be a blessing.png

By making this post I am not boasting in what I have done, I am trying to help the newcomers understand what's happening with these flags. Fyrstikken and I have been friends for 5 years.. and we have fought about something every 3 to 6 months.. it's nothing new but this time with Steemit there is money involved. And this time it looks like it's not getting fixed. I'm sorry for that.

Edit: Do these people know that @ats-david is using their Streemian trail to downvote people continuously? @dan-bn @bacchist @ourlifestory @supergoodliving @greymass @ebargains @littlescribe @allyouneedtoknow

2017-07-01 01_39_12-FACT_ I have brought more people to Steemit than possibly anyone else. Including.png

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