

Humble (Low Heaht) is a very good attitude that is humble that is submission to the truth and accept from whichever comes it be it test from Allah, human, universe and so on, whether in like or dislike condition and believe this life has been arranged by Almighty.

The opposite of the humble word is Arrogant. arrogant attitude is not good and despicable and reject the truth and disrespect others. As good as we are in living this life we ​​must always stay away from the boasting qualities because we must realize the arrogant nature is a trait that the devil possesses so it is inappropriate for us to imitate. And instead we should always have humble nature. Humbly can lead one to honorable and respectable levels in society. People will be honorable if they want to respect others. If we have an advantage we must always be humble to something, because everything that God gives or entrusts to us is only temporary and temporary, therefore it is not proper for us to betray ourselves against something else. And therefore, the nature arrogant can make people far and hate

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