SOS. We need your help ASAP.

Dang! I just watched this and realized it cut off a few seconds at the end. But there's enough information here to share our situation with you and for you to assess and figure out what it is you can do to help if you wish to. For some of you it will certainly be monetary donations. For some it will be to spread the word and find other who can donate. For some of you it will be prayers and good vibes. We need all of that right now. I will continue to add to the text here as my day progresses. I've been going over this so many times with so many amazing people for days now and I'm a bit beaten down. The video is much longer than I wanted to make it, but I feel the need to share as much as I can with you. It seems the right thing to do. Please do no hesitate to reach out on Discord - Movement19#0266. I am an open book and willing to talk to anyone willing to listen and lend some advice, help, what have you. Thank you right away for your time and attention and compassion. <3

PS - I'm sorry to have used YouTube. I could not get Dlive or Dtube to work for me this morning.

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