First Steemit cupcakes giveaways in Germany

Hello Steemians,

As you guys might know, I have a tremendous passion with food. I posted about food on all of my entries, the first one about Pho Viet Nam and the second one about Bun Cha. On this post, food still plays a significant part, but the special thing is I want to introduce MY FOOD to help our Steemit community to gain more reputation. It is a local ad campaign that I have came up with weeks ago, but because of the tight schedule, only until now that I can implement it. My plan contains two parts: the MAKING and the DELIVERING.


Thank God, finally I am free from all of my works and have a little spare time for my daily hobby: BAKING. Therefore, I decided to make some cupcakes, but they are not the normal cupcakes you’ve seen everyday, my cupcakes are “extra special”, please have a look:

Yes, it is a REAL cupcake with our STEEMIT logo!!! I have tried several baking recipes, I made the mousse, biscuits, the gaetoux classic, tiramisu, some Asian special patisserie etc… but this is my very first time with a fondant cupcake, therefore, I was really excited. The cupcake batter is simply the original recipe with added vanilla, which is also my favorite flavor, but the fun part is how to deal with the fondant, color it and cut it into Steemit logo. Although at first it was a little bit struggled but eventually the result turned out to be okay :D

The top decoration with Steemit logo made with fondant

whipping cream is put on top of the cupcake :)

… and then it’s time to stick the Steemit fondant !!!

Love this process, 4 Steemit cupcakes are done, there are still a lot to go

Here you go, Steemit cupcakes with vanilla batter and fondant decoration on top :x

Cupcakes are putting into carton tray, ready to be delivered ^^

After the making of Steemit cupcakes has been done, I was thinking about the most effective way to deliver them to our potential users. Definitely I will give away these cupcakes to people on the street and explain the concept of Steemit to them. However, sometimes people are so rushed and busy that they cannot have enough time to hear from you, especially the introduction of Steemit is difficult to be explained briefly (I think). Therefore, I made up my mind to create a flyer with all the significant and necessary information that people should know about our Steemit. I am living in Germany, so the flyer will be in German instead of English. I will give people both cupcakes and flyers. And here is the flyer:

Awesome flyer designed by @b0y2k. Credit goes to him.

So now, after all were said and done, let’s move the next part: The Delivering :D


Feeling excited, we decide to give away about steemit in our hometown, the biggest city in Saxony, Germany. It has a nice young, tech-minded audience here (remember that the DAO was created in Saxony too). Armed to the core with big pack of cupcakes and flyers, we head straight to the center of the city, where always a crowded folk is waiting ;)

It's our first time doing something like this open on the public, to be honest we are a little bit scared. But as true steemian, we have nothing to fear !

First person is a kid :( and she was so fast that we couldn't make a picture of her. After a few she came back and took the second cupcake. We have no choice but to give her another one. But somehow I'm glad that must be delicious for her to take 2 pieces so fast.

A great woman showed up and looked very interested in what we were showing.

After few short explanations from my hubby, a wonderful "Aha" moment.

Time to take a cupcake, since it was so delicious ;)

A big group of potential steemians showing up (I bet that they will post soon)

But some people showing more interested in the cupcake than in the flyer :(

Take one and immediately leave :/

This couple showed great interested in Steem and hubby took time to explain them.

It was a great start, we could be able to give away over 30 cupcakes and 100 flyers in the first 30min.

Taking a little break to count our progress

Some cute kids

And they were taking away our last cupcakes :/

After all the cupcakes were gone, things turned out to be harder than we expected. Without the cupcakes, it's very hard to attract the attention of people.

Typical reaction when giving out the flyer WITHOUT cupcake :(

In the next 3 hours, we could hardly give away less than 100 flyers. @meiisheree showed her first sign of boringness.

We were giving up after over 4 hours rolling on the street. Around 50 flyers are left but we were so tired that we have to give up. Never expect that giving away flyers could be so hard :(

In the end we gave aways 50 cupcakes and over 200 flyers. We will try to optimize our campaign to reach more audience and get more attention. We also will try to do it more frequently on other locations.

Happy reading and thank you !

PS: I hope the folk who got our flyer and cupcake last Saturday will post here soon. Don't hesitate to contact me.

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