Steemit: Agnostic- Believer

In the past couple of days there has been a great deal of controversy over Steemit. @dollarvigilante has been singing its praises ever since he has come on the platform and has made a significant amount of money. Others out of envy of Jeff have attacked Jeff and Steemit. Other, however, have criticized Steemit with some seemingly legitimate concerns and some out of ignorance of how the platform works.
Some people who have criticized it, do so by calling it a Ponzi scheme, in fact, they dub it an "Austrian Ponzi Scheme". This essay is not to cover the merits of the claims, Jeff and others have done so already.
Others have claimed that Jeff only makes big because he knows "whales" or some other sorts of conspiracy. I don't believe that to be the case at all. I think Jeff, @larkenrose , @dragonanarchist, and a few others have been successful because they push out content that people value. I also recognize that a huge amount of their success due to have an already existing base of followers and are famous of sorts within certain communities. While their fame most definitely boosts the amount of success they gain, I have no doubt that if they were just as obscure as me, they would still be quite successful in their endeavors because of their content is worth producing.
Some of us, aren't so lucky, as of this writing, I only only 5 followers and have made a total of about 12 Steem dollars. I'm not complaining, I write, because I like haring my ideas, If People alike my content to and thus reward me, than that is something extra that I am thankful for.. If people don't, then I'm thankful that people have at least read my post and hope that I would still cause them to think. There is no no need to bring others down because we aren't doing as well as we would hope. If you want to do better, than improve yourself, don't piss about other people doing better; if anything, you should rejoice that they are doing good, and aspire to be like them..
Finally, some people have raised concerns that Steem isn't as stable as bitcoin, and that it is not good for long term investment. Many of concerns may be born out of ignorance due to how the platform works. I can't speak to the specifics, because I'm not an expert on block-chain technology. In fact, I know next to nothing about it. My answer to the concern about steem going bust and not being a good investment strategy is simple. Why Care? If Steemit goes under, most of us would have a net loss of zero dollars, as we started on this platform with absolutely nothing. Steem really is a win-win for the users involved. If Steemit grows and succeeds, and the users succeed, we gained have gained net profits. If Steemit goes under, we lose nothing.
It is for these reasons that I am both Agnostic to the the whether or not Steemit will succeed beyond anyone's expectations or even live up to them. I am agnostic if I will ever be able to profit much from it. But I am a believer in Steemit because I value ideas that are intellectually presented and thought out. I believe in Steemit because I have seen it work for friends. i am an Agnostic-Believer

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