I'm pulling out of the Steemit game

It occurred to me today, while reading someone else's post, that this money making process is too similar to a money tree/pyramid scheme I got involved as a 23 year old back in the '80s.

It was all good and fun for the people who got in early as they enticed people in with their stories of financial success. BUT at the end of the day ... only a few short months after the frenzied wave of financial gluttony had started there were thousands of people left owing money left, right and centre.

That time it was called the "Aeroplane Game" ... or Airplane Game ... and we were buying make-believe seats for $1000 each. Then we had to go out and find 6 others to buy a make-believe seat each, when this was done, we moved up to the next level while those 6 people EACH had to entice the next row of people to buy make-believe seats. After a few more levels were added we would find ourselves in the "Captain's seat" and when that final 'row' of $1000 make-believe seats were sold, we were free AND could skedaddle with a shit-load of cash from the newest recruits. It all crashed before I got to the captain's seat and I chose to pay the money back (out of my savings) to those 4 or 5 I'd managed to convince.

Now I KNOW this is not quite the same here in the Steemit ... BUT ... well ... maybe it actually is.

I have been writing blog posts on my website: http://CreativeGoalSetting.com for about a decade. Thousands of posts were wiped from my site on 22 December 2015 ... probably because I write constructively about Conscious Creation and cognitive behavioural techniques that replace the need for medications. Oh and, in the past I have debunked many of the veils of illusion being intentionally laid down over the masses to keep them slumbering in just enough emotional drama and/or apathy with the aid of consumerism.

My only mistake here, was wanting to find a larger audience, to share the art of consciously creating a reality that we ACTUALLY want to be part of.

I followed a "truther" onto this site ... excited there'd be many intelligent writers here. But alas, they are buried amongst a whole lot of whingers and whiners wanting to make money out of nothing. Good luck with that. Meanwhile those who already have a great following from other forums will be raking in the money. Hey whatever floats your boat! I don't have a problem with financial wealth ... I do have a problem with finance being constantly prioritised over all else.

Because money is not as important as so many have been led to believe.

So as my parting gift (if you have actually read this far - thank you), may I remind you to focus on what you ACTUALLY want to do, be and have, rather than the apparent financial cost or the apparent requirement for money to purchase. Money IS the root of all evil as it continues (by design) to destroy humanity's ability to CREATE food, clothing, shelter, additional comforts including technology; but most importantly - relationships/connections/support. May you see that and discover your innate creativity soon.

Steemit is not for me.

If you do want to see the daily numerology I share, please follow my posts on my website: http://CreativeGoalSetting.com ... and by all means make the most of the FREE cognitive behavioural techniques available there that, when persistently and consistently applied WILL (and already have for some) guide you beyond this BS (Belief System) monetary based reality.

I actually came back to the steemit website to delete my account ... but did not find where to do so. So I have left this message just in case there are one or two wanting to see the daily numerology posts - to you ((HUGS)) :) To everyone, all the best and THANK YOU <3


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