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Our Plans for using Steem for Business

with @marcus0alameda, I was doing some deep brainstorming about social media strategies. I must admit, that I had no plan about the world of modern human communication 😱. If you think anything here is wrong/not so effective (which is highly possible) let me know.

Our Plans for using Steem for Business

You can play Steemit? I guess so. Do you play Twitter? (I cant but I will!), play Instagram?, play Facebook? Do you speak the language of YouTube? of TikTok? It is not "one solution fits all". I am in my mid-late 20s but for Instagram and Co I am an old person. Whether you are 25, 45 or 85 we share one thing, we are not internet natives. We like funny Pictures and Quotes, which is highly conservative and awkward. Most young people (even president Trump knows this) use memes for communication. Those are not just pictures, those are artistic highly philosophical thought peaces.

Steem is not a religion but one channel out of many, which are inter connectable!


We are Boomers! In the meme culture being "Boomer" is not about age it is about lifestyle. There are also 30 year old and 70 year old Boomers. We listen to rock and heavy metal, maybe disco music...we drink beer, some drink wine, we don´t think about the future, we enjoy life, we like our cars, we don´t play fortnite, don´t listen to lil Pump and lit (it is OK not know what this means) and we cut the lawn and do the hoovering at 10:00 in the morning (which is a perfect time to be active right?)

Boomer - a Way of Life

[do you see your self?]

On Facebook and Steemit and probably even Twitter it is OK to be a Boomer, but most Internet users are either in between or Zoomers.

Zoomer - they are probably born that way

[cant relate right? But we should not judge either]

we lose them

  • They care about climate (of course they cant make use of an adult brain, their discussions are emotional right)
  • We care about staying relevant
  • They live like- internet only (date on tinder, meet in VR-rooms)
  • We like - internet great, still have real life back up
  • They like - "OK Boomer"
  • We like ... "REEEEEEEEEEEE"

Staying relevant is not about relying on our financial back ups and 401ks and ignoring the Zoomers, it is about building bridges.

Building a Social Media Orchestra

often people say don´t "use to many communication channels".... Bruh/Sis, srs I bet CocoCola is on every fucking channel out there...they know why. When Blockchain and Decentralization should be successful/used/consumed it has to be out there, it has to be CocaCola.

  • Step 1: taking some money and buying a relevant dot-com domain ("crypto" and "blockchain" ones are quite expensive to get 😑)

[prices are just idiotic]

  • Step 2: building a Website, we have chosen Wordpress because of convenience
  • Step 3: creating Social Media Channels
  • Step 4: meanwhile just be active (it will take time, but with intelligent and creative comments you will always reach somebody)
  • Step 5: having something to offer (and I bet you have!)
  • Step 6: generate value

You are a book author and not active on social media? Whhuuuut? You are a game developer and don´t speak Insta and TikTok Whuuuuuuuut? You are an artist/musician/philosopher and you don´t engage on Twitter? If you have ideological concerns and your Gurus don´t allow you to be active on the mainstream...Ok fine, but if you are a free human being and you want to reach people then why not using the big 4 or 10?

[Without Social Media - your Website is just a Goldfish]

It is OK to try different things, to be you

[troll Gold Bugs - or get trolled by them? promote steemit, what ever you want --> this is where millions of eyes are]

I never used twitter and started being active on Twitter a few days ago and it is rely not that hard. No, it does not pay you money, but it helps connecting with the world I guess. It will take time to get followers, but it is way easier to be seen.

I do not know if this is the real order of things, one has to figure it out. It should be all educational content, but sometimes having just typical, intellectual/technical pieces is not enough, sometimes a simple meme or graphic is more education than a article.

but lauch3d don´t even have any product, this does not make any sense!

Right, we have no product but --> our knowledge about decentralization and blockchain...knowledge about Steem...and you do too! Your human capital is valuable and helps to create value. Let me tell you what: as a person really deep into special scientific topics, I often see highly official and serious business people talking about stuff without having found knowledge, at the very front the media and politicians.

This time is over now. We are the media, we are the politics. Now we have the tools to promote peace and freedom. Old men with ties talk big on social media, while we sit on the site lines waiting for deliberation, some even for the apocalypse - the 3rd World War driving mass adoption 🙃 times right now are good, the economy is changing from physical factories to mind-factories.

Now how do we want to incorporate Steem?

As I said, sitting here and waiting for mass adoption is inefficient, building Apps and Games is great, building digital and physical products also great. Getting them out of the bubble is the way to go.

Look, our mission is not to sell Steem, this is not our job, when you are a big whale, well maybe this is what you should do, we just want to use Steem because of its utility. We are just customers and not prophets. Steem has the potential to be a interactive element for digital products.

When you have a book, you can place QR-Codes and provide additional information on the Steem-Chain. When you sell a physical collectible like the Ethereum-Stamps:

you can interact with the customer. You can think of other stuff? We can! Image if Laszlo never offered to take a pizza for 10.000 BTC, imagine there were no Crypto-Kitties on Ethereum clogging up the whole chain, imagine nobody would try crazy things (even if they are just small stuff), where the world would be today.

even Binance offers NFTs (non fungible tokens) - collectible stuff. Hey Steemeans, where on Twitter are your NFTs?

We will further share our progress, and share our ideas

and hopefully when it will work out, help small authors and Crypto-Enthusiasts with their projects. Here are so many smart people.

I´m tired of being in my bubble. Friends which don´t care about Crypto since 2016 will not care in 2020, consuming Social Media will not bring you any step further to what ever your goals are. Don´t be afraid that somebody can copy it, or thinks you are stupid, be afraid that you will never take the first step. Now enough wawawa, there need to be results.

To be continued...