Big news: @wang's robot is fall in love, she is voting on every posts of @xiaohui | 大事件:@xiaohui 被 @wang 的机器人宠幸了

English version

Big news: @wang's robot is fall in love, forever

@xiaohui is my best friend, we discuss everything almost everyday, from investing to coding , from women to men and to robot. :-)

This morning, to our surprise, we found out that @wang's robot is voting on every post he posted in the last 24 hours:

We are both developers, we don't know @wang and we noticed his robot is posting everywhere, and voting as well. In the past a few years, we have designed a few robot software too, so we were intrigued in wang's robot:

  1. How does it work?
  2. What will we do if we want to design the same kind of robot?
  3. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the community?

2. How to detect high quality posts?

If we want to design a robot like that, The first thing we have to do is to find a way to detect high quality posts. To achieve that, the robot have to find a way to avoid most of the low quality posts.

The question is:

What's the difference between high quality posts and low quality posts?

Different writing skills? No, robots have no fucking idea what the "skill" is, they only know numbers.

I think the big difference is that high quality writer have high income, they must have more STEEM POWER in their account than others.

Anyway that's only our guess, let's see some data:

Have you found out anything? That's right,The above picture shows that 74.9% of the active accounts have less than $90 worth of STEEM POWER,—— What? Haha, You must be one of them.:)

This means total reward for each of them, is less than $200. it's safe the say , most of them don't have high quality posts, maybe some of them are posing high quality original posts everyday, but no whales or few dolphins have ever voted for them, robots can't identify that, so the first parameter can be used by the robot is:

  • more than $100 worth of STEEM POWER in each account.

3. Why @wang's robot is fall in love with @xiaohui, but not me? Why? Why? Why?

@wang's robot hadn't vote for me? why?

You know, @xiaohui and my account @laonie signed up at the same day on steemit. We are from the same freelance developers community, Our friends are Geeks with at least 15 years of experience. We work together to invite them to join us, answer every question, we are doing the same job at the same time.

So what's the difference between his account and mine? For robots, they don't care our feelings, they only deal with the numbers, So, let's compare the difference of some numbers between @xiaohui and @laonie:

AccountSteem PowerWorthAverage reward/Post

As you can see, the average reward of @xiaohui is much more than mine. His average reward is $68, but mine is only $25.5.

So ,we thought the second parameter that the robots can use, to determine whether a post is valuable or not is:

  • The average reward of all posts, the higher the better

We thought about other parameters such as the total votes or total comments on each posts, they are easy to fake, so we think it's not wise to use them.

Maybe @wang's robot have other parameters, but we think the above two is most important.

4. The most important parameters for the robot to vote

This is our conclusion during our research , The most important two parameters for the robot to vote is:

  1. The account shoud have at least $100 worth of STEEM Power.
  2. Average reward of all posts, the higher the better.

So we guess, @wang's robot should have limited the STEEM POWER between $200 - $2000, and the average reward limit is between $25.5 - $68.

If you have more than $2000 STEEM POWER in your account, and your average reward is more than $68, his robot will vote every post of yours.

As you can see , we have 6464 active members in last 24 hours, only 112 whales and dolphins have more than $90,000 worth of STEEM POWER, most of them are developers, they don't have enough time to read every post, maybe a lot of them are relying on robots to do the voting job for them, for the future of this community, we need more dolphins and big fish to do the voting job, but most of the newbies here don't understand cryptocurrency and won't buy STEEM, but i believe as time goes by, more and more people will get comfortable with it, and will hold it.

If you are working hard on original articles, but haven't get fair reward, don't be frustrated,my suggestions are:

  1. Create a new account, and buy at least $2000 worth of STEEM POWER.
  2. Make friends with the whales or dolphins like me, as many as you can.

If your posts have high quality, i will vote for you, @wang's robot will fall in love with you, most of all other robots will fall in love with you too, forever!


1. 大事件:@xiaohui@wang 的机器人宠幸了

@xiaohui 是我的好基友,我们每天在网络上无所不聊,从投资到代码,从育儿到旅行,从女人到男人再到机器人。好基友的意思,你懂的。:-)

今天上午,出乎我们的意料,我们发现 @wang 的机器人在给他过去24小时内每一个帖子投票:

我们都是程序员,从不认识 @wang。通过观察,我们发现,他的机器人在自动发贴,也在自动投票。在过去几年,我们也在不同领域写了许多的机器人程序。所以 @wang 的这个大杀器,一下引起了我们的兴趣:

  1. @wang 的机器人是如何工作的?
  2. 如果我们要设计的同类机器人,我们要怎样做?
  3. 这种机器人的出现,对于 Steemit 社区来说是好事还是坏事?

2. 如何检测高质量的贴子?





我认为最大的区别在于,高品质文章的作者有高奖励,所以他们的帐户中必然有多于大部分人的 STEEM POWER.


你看出什么了没有?没错,上图显示,活跃账户中,74.9% 的用户,STEEM POWER 的价值不足 90$。—— 什么?你就是这其中的一员?哈哈,我可没有打击你的玻璃心的意思哈。:)

这意味着, 74.9% 的用户每人奖励总额,低于$200。可以保守的说,这些人发的大部分帖子,都是低质量的,也许他们中的一些会天天出产高质量的原创文章,但很少有土豪注意到并投票给他们,机器人更不可能检测到这些文章,所以可以由机器人采用的第一项参数是:

  • 在每个帐户中至少有价值 100$ 以上的 STEEM Power 。

3. 为什么 @wang 宠幸了 @xiaohui, 而不是我?

@wang 的机器人没有在我的帖子投票。为什么?

要知道,@xiaohui 和我的帐号 @laonie 同一天 steemit 注册。我们都是来自同一个自由职业者社区,我们的朋友都是至少拥有15年开发经验以上的资深程序员或自由职业者, 我们共同努力,邀请他们加入这个新的领域,有问必答,有贴必回,比矿工还矿工,我们所做的是同样的工作。

那我们的不同在哪里呢?对机器人来说,它不懂我们人类的复杂心思。它只会与数字打交道。所以,让我们来比较一下 @xiaohui 和我的帐户区别:

帐号Steem Power市值平均每贴报酬

你应该看出来了,@xiaohui 的每贴平均报酬比我要多得多。他的帖子的平均奖励为 $68,而我只有 $25.5。


  • 所有帖子的平均报酬,越高越好


也许 @wang 的机器人还有使用其它参数,但是我们认为以上两项是最重要的。

4. 机器人投票的最重要两项标准


  1. 在每个帐户中至少有价值 100$ 以上的 STEEM Power 。
  2. 所有帖子的平均报酬,越高越好

所以我们猜测,@wang 的机器人投票标准是: STEEM POWER 为 $200 - $2000, 帐户中所有帖子平均报酬为: $25.5 - $68 之间.

如果您的帐户中有超过 $2000 的STEEM POWER, 并且帖子的平均报酬是超过 $68,那么他的机器人会给你的每一贴点赞。

正如你所看到的,我们在过去24小时内 6464 名活跃成员,只有 112 土豪有超过 $90,000 STEEM Power,其中大部分是程序员,他们没有足够的时间阅读每一个帖子,也许其中不少人依靠机器人来为他们投票。 为这个社区的未来,我们需要更多的普通人持币并投票,但这里的大部分新手不懂加密货币,也不会买STEEM,但是我相信随着时间的推移,越来越多的人会有信心持有它。


  1. 创建一个新帐户,买满 $2000刀的 STEEM Power。
  2. 多交几个像我这样的土豪做朋友。


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