Tools and Guide to Improve Steemit Contents

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Hi Steemians,

This is Kuraizuke, and welcome to my Digital Lifestyle.

The Story goes...

Today, as I am researching to know more about Steemit and to improve my writing skills and to have value on my contents, I stumbled upon Sarah's YouTube Video. Please do click to follow her @sarahjordan.

Thanks to her I have learned a lot about to post a great article which would not sacrifice topics that I like to post and not just a random post with no value. Please check her blog "7 Things I Learned About Selling and Persuasion From The Girl Scouts".

After reading the article, I saw a nice comment from andrarchy regarding on Formatting. I clicked the linked he suggested to Sarah and it went to cryptogee's blog about "Format Your Steemit Articles And Gain Steem Power!" and this is what I have been looking for.

See how nice it is to format your article with this tool which is StackEdit. So, please check that out.

I also went back to my first post and read the suggestions from one of my comments there from mikej and suggested to use the SteemFollower to help you get some UpVote power if your article have good contents.

I'm going to sum up everything here:

1.) Make a good article by having a good content with value or brings benefits to the readers.

Don't just make a random article, instead make something that excites you.

2.) Use formatting styles to your content.

Use tools like StackEdit to help you.

3.) Use tools or apps for your blog like condensers*.

For example: If you are into photography, I would suggest to use SteepShot.

4.) Be active and interact with people.

This will help you know what improvements you need to do or what makes people to get interested to your topic.

5.) Join a healthy group to help you understand how things go and to get your content upvoted.

"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."
— Vince Lombardi

6.) Read more trending articles to encourage you and to help you understand how to make your own article go viral or have good content.

“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.”
—Samuel Johnson

*To know more about condensers, you may check this blog: "What are Steem Condensers?

I hope that this article helped you to make your own post better and I am so excited to know your articles as well and so that's it and let's all be awesome.

Written with StackEdit.


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