What you can do, to have a good time on steemit!

the last days I have seing people getting jealous about other accounts and oppinions. And using their power by upvoting people they dont like. This should not be a figthingarena. Iam kind of sad over this behave.
Steemit is dezentralized so the community should act like that and not judge over other people by downvoting. Ofcourse downvoting scam and ignoring it, is the only way to kind of overcome it but respect the opinions of other people. We dont need to have the same opinion but I stll will respect you.

So I also dont understand the self imposed rule from some communtymembers to not upvote there comments or themselves but using upvotebots. You are upvoting yourself by another account. But Idont care, do what you want to do. Everybody should have fun here and just follow your own goals and dont look gready or jealous on your neighbours. By the way I will try to upvote me from now on everytime

And by the way dont follow my advices. In germany advice is "ratschlag" and it has the word hit in it. So i dont want to hit anybody. My big Idol "Marshal Rosenberg" was telling something similar like dont give at least an advice if you gave it to 5 lawyers and they all signed it.

And even I was for some days kind of unhappy because I got unnoticed but I think now I get it, now Iam writing for me. If Iam getting noticed and appreciated Iam getting happy if not Iam still happy.

Iam just against spamming people, disrespecting people and for humanity. So let us keep the platform like that and have some fun. Peace and merry christmas!


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