Wow. Explaining Steemit to people is 1000x easier than explaining Bitcoin or any Blockchain project thus far.... dare I say 500% increases on thier way?

I have been explaining and pitching Bitcoin, Altcoins & the Blockchain in general for years... and NEVER has it been so easy to get people to understand the value.

Let me make this clear; I have been an avid Bitcoin supporter since 2010 when it finally "clicked" for me, explained further in my bio, I started telling everyone I could about Bitcoin, and how it could help their life improve, their freedoms improve, and in general help the world get out of this draconian financial world we live in where everything and anything is subject to taxes, fees & crappy laws. For years I preached and preached and poured my heart into spreading Bitcoin, I surfed the news multiple times daily, checked the price FAR too many times during my work day and in general just wasted vast amounts of hours trying to "better the world with Bitcoin" or so I thought....

After a while I learned more than I taught, and what I learned was: Bitcoin is hard... and average folks don't actually need it.

Once it became glaringly obvious that word of mouth wasn't good enough to spread Bitcoin, I actually needed to give it away to show people how it worked, I must have given away a full Bitcoin (roughly $300 or so) among my friends and family, only to end up with 2-3 friends who still use it, and that's mostly just for gambling on sports and such, I was dissapointed again. (We lost huge on the Seahawks Superbowl last year too lol)

I had given up, I was bored of bothering people to use Bitcoin, a good product sells it self. And Bitcoin just wasn't doing that..

This is when I ventured out into the altcoin scene around 2014 big time and invested in everything from #Darkcoin (#Dash), #Litecoin, #Monero, #Ethereum and so on.. and yet I still wasn't satisfied.. Not a single coin out there had a proper value proposition that was simple and practical.

Then came Steemit... oh boy..

I sat around looking at this website the first time I found it and knew it would be big, just wasn't sure how big, or how soon... or if Synereo might be a better version, but once I signed up and poked around I decided it was worth a shot and I was off... I started doing as much research as I could (within Steemit obviously) on how to make the post of this platform, one I felt comfortable, I started organizing my thoughts on my brand, my writing style & my overall direction. I am finally figuring it all out and getting started. But in the meantime, time to tell my friends!

....Fast forward to today (literally 2 hours ago..)

I went down for a meeting regarding a website with a friend of mine today who works at Ancient's Arts Tattoo in Renton, Washington. Shortly after we ended up on the subject of Steemit, (mind you these people know I'm into Bitcoin and have heard my speal a few times, yet do not use it, because it's not practical for them) and within 15 minutes I had the entire shop interested and Naomi has already signed up and posted an intro!

Oh and ps. Amanda does great tattoos too, heres my shoulder tattoo!

Like I said, Steemit is 10000x to get people to understand, and it's practical, better start stacking that Steem folks. It's already taking off. #NoBarrierToEntry

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