How to Plant Dragon Fruit in The Pots

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by Tusandii

Planting Dragon Fruits in a Pots is Very Easy

Dragon fruit is one type of fruit that is favored by the people . It is closely connected with the properties of dragon fruit it self. Dragon fruit is highly efficacious therapy for the healing of various diseases such as cancer prevention, boost immunity , lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes mellitus . Because of this , the demand are very large For Dragon fruit . Its never hurts to try this fruit business if they do not intend to sell it , you can consume it themselves. Perhaps , you thought that dragon fruit cultivation requires huge areas of land . All you need to know that now you can also cultivate dragon fruit at home even if you only have a small yard . Currently , maintain dragon fruit in pots become a trend among lovers of this fruit . If you are interested , please learn how the dragon fruit cultivation in pots below. Of course , before maintaining dragon fruit in pots there are several things you need to prepare.

Preparing Planting Sites for Dragon Fruit

Because you want to do engineering plant dragon fruit in pots then the first thing you should provide are as seedling pots as dragon fruit. Pot used for media empire dragon fruit is very flexible. You can use plastic pots, clay, cement, up drums or cans. To maximize the growth of dragon fruit, you should use a pot made of clay to keep the temperature of this plant. Use a large sized pot about 40 cm because the bigger the pot, the better so that the dragon fruit can grow up.

Preparing Dragon Fruit Growing Media

After determining the type of pot used for growing dragon fruit, it's time to start farming with cropping media prepare beforehand. Prepare the sand, manure, soil, and compost. Comparison of each ingredient is 2: 3: 1: 1. Typically, farmers add powdered brick and agricultural lime to taste. Mix all ingredients until blended and then flush with water. Allow mixture to the planting media day and a night before being used to plant dragon fruit.

Preparing Pole

One of the functions of the mast is as a crutch so that the dragon fruit is not easily collapse. If the dragon fruit has been grown, the pole will be ridden by the plant roots. It would be better if the climbing pole made of steel diameter 8 cm to 10 cm. make sure that the pole is not easily shaken. You can give the legs on the pole in order to sustain a strong and sturdy roots dragon fruit.

Planting seeds

You must consider how the dragon fruit seedlings so that plants can grow up. Of course, by understanding how to plant dragon fruit in a pot that's right, you do not need to see these plants die because you do not know how to grow it. Although still in the form of seeds, seedlings should choose large. Choose seeds are dark green stems. Make sure also that the seeds are free of the disease. One of the tips to sow the dragon fruit is about the size of the seed. The ideal size dragon fruit seedlings ready to be planted in a pot is about 30cm. After selecting a good quality seed, planted at a depth of about 10cm around the pole you've prepared earlier. No need to plant dragon fruit seeds too deep, is not good for growing dragon fruit itself. Tidy up the soil around the seedlings of dragon fruit by pressing the soil. In addition to smoothing the ground, hit the ground also serves to strengthen the dragon fruit seedlings that are not easily collapse. After making sure that the seed is embedded with a perfect, flush the pots with water. Put a pot of dragon fruit seedlings in areas exposed to direct sunlight. As described above, Planting dragon fruit in the pot is very easy to do. Not much different way by planting crops in general. If you are a connoisseur of dragon fruit, no one tried to grow it yourself at home with potting medium.

Maintaining Seeds Dragon Fruit Up Ready to Harvest

Once planted not mean you leave it in the pot. Of course, you should keep it well so that later the dragon fruit can be harvested and you really feel the fresh dragon fruit. There are some things that need to be done when maintaining dragon fruit. You should perform regular fertilization. If possible, use natural fertilizers to obtain dragon fruit is really healthy. In addition, you also have to do regular watering in order to grow dragon fruit is fresh and can be harvested as scheduled. After some time, the dragon fruit seedlings will be dragon fruit trees. For that, you also need to cut the branch. Occasionally check the roots and pole climbing. Still make sure that the plant is still sturdy and collapse. if required, tie trunks with wire or rope to the pole climbing. Later, you will get the red dragon fruit fresh and delicious from your own pot.

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