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ACTIFIT RIP :IS 21st of january 2019 "Blue Monday" .The most Deperissing day of the year...



The third Monday in January is considered the most depressing day of the year.

I cannot understand why people feel this way. With the weather being cold and all the “good times” after Dec Holidays, people tend to fall into somewhat of a depression.

However, Do I believe in that nonsense? NO###

We all are human and do fall into depression at many times but I consider it as a warning mechanism from yourself to get off your ass and do something about it.

Yeah, the weather sucked Today in Las Vegas. It was windy, cloudy and cold. Is that going to prevent me in having a good day? Absolutely not!

I just got a quick workout in gym and I feel great, feels healthy and powerful

What Depression?

I believe "Working Out" is one of the best things a person can do if he or she suffers from depression.

Just remember to listen to yourself at times. If one is sad, lonely, lost, depressed, bored etc... etc... it’s just a warning signal to do something about it and not just gloat all day feeling miserable.

So were you depressed today? I hope not! If you are, all one has to do is... go do something about it. Take Action!

Keep On STACKIN! Please Upvote and support my Posts.. Kings-empire

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