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I'm Shamelessly Promoting My Book...."Spoilers" Don't be the last one to read it!!!

Ok each week I write one Chapter, and most chapters leave you on a cliff hanger. I feel most chapters should. Each chapter is a chapter of someones life. I am not the best writer, But I have a story i have to tell, And the story is the story of hot revenge, and cold endings. It is a fresh story, with years of research. There will be crypto, sex, murder, drugs, back stabbing, slavery, terrorists, nanobots, guns, girls, space battles, and Shit you never even heard of .((R/M>)Two Brothers Voice>) Of a future where Nanobots, Get Kinky with Space Pirates, and fight centralized force.... ....
With new each chapter the universe get bigger and bigger. Like Peggy sue who lives on a moon of Jupiter. Is she a miner NO Is she a Banker NO. Is she a Whore....No you sick Bastards, Shes a Nano Bot coder, Who's brother invented the first Higgs-Gravity Drive. Who was infected with Nanobots, that he got at Dinner party at his sisters house, She was bragging about her new app all night. But there's more .....A crisp high five to thous who made it this far. Do you know where, the A.S. red fleet, is? The MTC will pay BIG bucks for that info! And i am the sole person who knows where the red fleet is.
Look Just Please Read it before its hard to keep up and all your friends are talking about the next big space epic.
But most importantly thank you for reading. And if you like the content help me get this story out to more people.
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Crisp High Ten for Making It Thou.
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