Upvotes don't Necessarily Equal Quality Content!

imageAre you getting frustrated that the posts that you put the most thought into are receiving less upvotes than other posts with little or no content? If so, you need to come to terms that upvotes don't necessarily equate to quality.

The upvote is more of an emotional decision. Sure quality at times comes into play, but sparking that emotion is really what counts.

I believe that I am a normal upvoter. So here is what I find myself reading and upvoting the most.

1. The description/title has to peak my interest.

Don't undersell the title.

2. Posts Should be Easy to Read!

I also look for posts that appear to be very easy to read. I normally use eSteem to browse. So the more "eSteem friendly" you can make your post, the more likely I am to read it in entirety and eventually comment and upvote.

3. Keep it simple!

You need to know your audience. If you create your post for the common person, more people will be likely to read it. The more people that view will increase upvote potential.

4. Have an Opinion!

Don't just restate information. Form an opinion and share it. Give your viewers an opportunity to agree or disagree with you. Sharing your opinion should increase the chances of viewer replies.

5. Stay at it!

It takes time and patience to acquire a following. Be consistent with your approach and upvotes should come.

I would like to hear advice from other Steemians regarding what works for you- please share!

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