Steemit "Minnow Pool" community instructions. Come Join us!

#1. Send me an email with the heading "Minnow Pool" to

#2. In the email write your Steemit name, email address and youtube channel.

#3. Make a youtube video about the Minnow Pool community and you can provide my email address so I can add them to the email name list. If you already have a steemit account you can post this info there as well since this will be the platform that we will be utilizing.

#4. Sign up for a Steemvoter account unless you want to physically do the upvoting. It's up to you but with steemvoter you can set it and forget it. If you need info on that youtube it and you'll come across some info. The bigger this community gets you may want to upgrade to a premium Steemvoter account.

I will be taking the responsibility of gathering the people and then I will send out an email to everyone informing you of Steemit users who you are part of the community and you're to follow and upvote. People who do not keep up with their end within the community will be dismissed. People need to make sure they keep up with their votes since the community as a whole is supporting them. If this doesnt happen then the community begins to break down and the idea will not work.

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