Steem 19 Hardfork Gives A Huge Increase in Post Rewards for Most!

after steem equality 19 hardfork 2.png

The Steem Equality 0.19.0 hardfork update so far is a success in increasing post payouts for most authors while greatly reducing the rewards of top posts! My posts overall are up 5% because while most went up, one of my top posts dropped 35%! It seems most users are seeing much higher increases than me while those at they very top are down even more than my top post. This means the average post on Steemit is should now be receiving much higher rewards while the very top posts will get a fraction of what they would have received before.

Would you read this post for a review of the before and after screenshots of my post earnings as well as expectations for how this will impact posts going forward? The screenshot above shows the totals by post while the screenshots below show the before and after in detail!

My rewards BEFORE Steem Equality 0.19.0 hardfork update!

steem rewards before hard fork 19.png

My rewards AFTER Steem Equality 0.19.0 hardfork update on the same posts!

after steem equality 19 hardfork.png

Here is a quick breakdown of the results.

  1. The total AFTER the hardfork for my recent 7 unpaid posts was 1.0532 times the total of the BEFORE meaning a 5.32% increase came as a result of the hardfork update. BEFORE I was set to receive $3,788.65 in rewards. After on nearly the exact same votes I am set to receive $3,990.33. The difference in time was about 10 to 15 minutes on the data calculated meaning additional votes did not make a significant impact on the final result.
  2. EVERY POST WENT UP in value EXCEPT my top post which dropped $616.13. This is VERY GOOD for the average user because essentially the very top posts are giving up a LOT in rewards which is then being shared to other authors. One post I saw before in the top trending dropped around $3,000 with many other top trending posts dropping at the same rate as mine did. The very top 10 authors with this new system are probably going to be down 50% or more on their posts which will then be given instead to many users below the top 100.
  3. My newest post increased the most nearly doubling in value from $187.44 to $345.74 for an increase of 1.8445 or 84.45% higher than before the update! This post was also the lowest in value which is VERY GOOD for the average user posting. It should now be much easier to get a post to $1, $10, $100, and $1,000 while being much more difficult to cross $2,000 and nearly impossible to reach $10,000 with the current price of Steem.
  4. The least improvement was in my highest value post at $490.19 before which went up to $587.30 for a $97.11 increase. This seems to indicate that the exponential curve really was impacting posts valued over $500 taking many to the moon while the lowest value posts were getting almost nothing from initial votes.
  5. Comment values appear to be WAY UP on my posts with EVERY COMMENT I VOTED ON at now worth at LEAST $3.58! This is VERY GOOD NEWS for commenting because the linear system means earning a few dollars on a comment now is much easier while getting a very high value comment for hundreds of dollars will be more challenging.
  6. MY automatic vote on my new posts at 50% voting power is now worth $20 instead of less than $1! WOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I now voted my own post up $20 just by posting it at 50% voting power which done yesterday got me less than $1! The last post I made before this update voted my own post up $0.50! That is a HUGE change! The downside is I just unloaded my voting power from 50.16% to 49.19% with just one vote meaning it will be much easier to use up all my voting power at 100% but WOW what a difference voting on my own post! If I do the math right I could make $50 to $100 a day just making my own posts without anyone else voting on them!

In summary I LOVE THIS UPDATE so far not only for the rewards increase for the average post but now because I can spend more of my voting power on my own posts with the 4x increase in voting power. However, changes in voting patterns due to now exponential curation rewards might impact results going forward because it may become most lucrative to vote up top trending posts in exchange for earning more Steem Power in exchange for the vote.

For users not in the top 100 authors, I think this update will be EXTREMELY HELPFUL to earn more! Here are a few examples:

  1. @aarellanes had posts at about $1 each which are now at or over $3.50 each meaning his rewards approximately doubled with this hardfork!
  2. @gmichelbkk appears to have nearly doubled the value of his post from $1 to over $2 with this update!
  3. @jordanarsenault had an intro post that appears to have went from under $5 to over $13 with this new update!
  4. @robertgenito appears to have a significant increase in the value of his recent posts!
  5. @adil who is making so many posts I cannot keep up appears to have went from earning several hundred dollars before this update to now I believe he is over $1,000 already within the last week! I hope he thought to collect the data before the hardfork so he can present the increase for him! According to his recent post at titled "WTF JUST HAPPENED TO MY MONEY??" and "I just Made Around $1000, I been here only a week, I mean I did Post a Lot." I am guessing my assumption was correct here!

Thank you very much for reading this post with the Steem Equality 0.19.0 hardfork update results and to each of the Steem Witnesses at that voted for this update! If you found this post helpful, would you please upvote it to help others read it and to help me continue being here with you today?

Jerry Banfield

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