One Month on Steemit Report: Our Highest Growth Ever?

steemit month 1 jerry banfield report.png

44,147 new Steemit accounts, 8128 more active users, $0.80 price increase, and up 5074 ranks in Alexa from May 20, 2017 to June 20, 2017! What an amazing journey together! Is this clear proof that Steemit is hitting the viral growth curve and that we each are doing an amazing job making that happen?

Thank you for making this journey with Steem one of the most exciting in my life! From the day I activated my account on May 20, 2017 to today which is June 20, 2017 we have seen some unbelievable growth! During the last month, I have made the largest investment of my life in Steem plus devoted the majority of my most valuable work hours to creating videos and posts for Steemit. Your generosity in funding my posts has been a miracle and I am honored to have the chance to continuing to serve in our community here!

Our upvotes on my two crowdfunded ad posts have empowered me to reach over 1 million Facebook users with ads promoting Steemit and get over 150,000 views on YouTube on videos featuring Steemit using an advertising budget of about $2,000 total with $2,000 more remaining out of what has been funded already! The thousands of kind comments on the posts I have made inspire me to continue thinking night and day what I can continue doing to contribute the most!

Would you like to see all the data in screenshots below because I think seeing this data is a lot of fun?

Steemit account approved.png

steem user stats May 20 2017.png

steemit all accounts june 20 2017.png

steemit may 20 2017 active users.png

steemit june 20 2017 active users.png

steemit alexa may 24 2017.png

steemit alexa june 20 2017 title.png

Steemit facebook ad june 2 2017 to june 20 2017.png

facebook steemit ad 2 initial results june 20 2017.png

youtube steem video stats jerry banfield june 20 2017.png

Here are the highlights of the stats shown in pictures shown above! Thanks to @stephenkendal as seen at for a few of the data points!

  1. 454 days live from March 24, 2017 to June 20, 2017.
  2. 391.11 average accounts created per day from March 24, 2016 to May 20, 2017.
  3. 461.65 average accounts created per day total for an 18% increase overall with 1,874 new accounts per day in June!
  4. 5,511 accounts registered in one day on Tue 13th June 2017 which is a record!
  5. 27% increase in new Steemit accounts in one month!
  6. 176% growth in 12 hour active users.
  7. 65% higher Steem price despite an initial drop at the end of May!
  8. Over 1 million Facebook users reached with two Steemit funded ads which still have 50% of the budget remaining!
  9. Over 150,000 YouTube views on videos promoting Steem with a combined watch time of nearly 3 years including 44,000+ views from ads funded by Steemit posts!
  10. 82 more hero accounts even with the price to get one doubling to now $10,000 equal to $820,000!
  11. 441 more superuser accounts worth over $1,000 each or $441,000 collectively!
  12. The very top is even more active with 5 more legends active and 12 more superheros active!

For @jerrybanfield stats, I started with 0 followers and am extremely grateful for what you have done to contribute to these stats:

jerrybanfield steemit account stats May 20 2017 to June 20 2017.png

steem whales report for jerry banfield first month.png

Specifically, thank you very much for the following payments I have redeemed from rewards!

  1. 2879 Steem Power directly received plus from SBD totalling 6271.870 post and curation rewards!
  2. 5308.309 SBD worth 3392.396 Steem Power and $2535.59 sold to USD.
  3. $14,546.52 total income in current USD on the date received with over $12,000 powered up!

Where can I improve?

  1. In the last month I have done a piss poor job responding to comments from the most dedicated and influential community members. Most comments made by Steem whales with more MV than me I did not even respond to and most upvotes were only noticed as a part of the total. Thank you for your patience with this as I learn how to use to help me make sure I do not continue missing your posts and upvotes! Today I started looking at the votes on my posts, following those of you kind enough to consistently upvote, and double check my comments to make sure you got a response!
  2. Getting more involved with Witness voting and education including setting up my own server. So far I have not voted for any witnesses and hope to change that soon.
  3. I just signed up with username JerryBanfield and hope to begin making a contribution there.
  4. Making video ads that promote case studies from other users instead of just me. Two ads funded for over $4,000 is enough of just my story. @jesta and @sweetsssj and @roelandp are a few I plan to do first. If you would like me to plan a video looking at your Steem journey for an ad, would you please drop a comment here and vote it up to make sure I see it?
  5. Voting more posts instead of comments. To help give back to each comment on my posts, most of my upvotes have been on comments and I am hoping to transition that to more voting up of posts by followers.
  6. Setting up autovote for my closest friends, family, and business partners to save time on the handful of people I want to vote every post up for.
  7. Getting my wife to sign up?
  8. Hosting a Steemit meetup in Florida?

Thank you very much for reading this and making our Steem journey during my first month an amazing one!

If you would like me to do reports each month, would you please vote this post up because that will help me understand that this is time well spent versus other posts I might make?

Jerry Banfield

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